Monday, January 25, 2016


Winter: (covering her butt with her hands and crying after she was told she was in trouble) Can you pleeeeease spank me like this mom?!

Mya: I wanna be a teacher when I grow up! Can you print 27 copies of this paper so I can give it to my class?
Winter: I wanna be a cheetah!

Mya: Mommy, do you want to look pretty when your friends come over tonight?
Me: Umm yeah I guess.
Mya: Then you shouldn't wear those jeans.

Winter: I love the cheese on the mackins. These are the mackins. That's why it's mackin cheese right?

Mya: Can you take me to Target to buy a jump rope?
Me: Probably not today sweetie. I have a lot to do. Maybe you can ask Daddy to take you after school.
Mya: Does Daddy know even where Target is??

Dan is colorblind. I like to make fun of it for some reason. It's probably because he has few weaknesses. I like to capitalize on the ones he has. I know. I'm the sweetest. Thursday, he came home from work and took off his shoes. I noticed that he was wearing my socks. My socks with the pink toes and heels. I laughed at him and told him to stay out of my sock drawer. He was like, how can you tell, are they pink or something? To that I replied haha yeah. He then took off the socks and threw them at my face. Oh if only his buddies at work saw. He would never hear the end of it. 

This is a pic of Winter and Grace the other day, taken by Grace's dad Gabe. (Winter calls him the other Mr. Dave) I guess it was Grace's fault. She put the coffee stirrer thingy too close to Winter's hair. That's why Grace is pissed I think... Maybe she didn't want evidence of her screw up. It was probably Winter's idea. Either way it's pretty darn funny. Winter loved the "braid" that it left in her hair. It was like a mini dread lock. I love these two together. They are two peas in a pod. They even have somewhat matching My Little Pony outfits on, complete with boots. 

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