Thursday, January 28, 2016


We took our annual trip to Knott's Berry Farm Tuesday. I always look forward to it. Seeing my kids have so much fun makes my heart happy. And it's nice to hang out as a family. We don't do that very often. 

Addie was old enough to go on all the rides in camp snoopy so that was cool. She showed no fear whatsoever. She wasn't sure about Snoopy though. She didn't want to hug him but gave him a high five. Winter, true to form, had to be pried off of him. Mya was terrified as usual. Mya has two fears in life. Puke, and people dressed up as cartoon characters. Not sure where either of them started... She mustered up the courage for one pic and never came close to him again all day.

And here's Winter trying to convince Mya to come get in the pic with Lucy. Yeah right Winter.

We went on the horse drawn carriage...

and the carousel of course. Here's Addie next to some random dad in the white T. Dan wasn't sure how to buckle all three girls without leaving Addie by herself. So this guy offered to hang with her. Nice of him. I didn't think it was necessary to buckle the big girls because the ride goes about 1 whole mile per hour but safety first I guess.

the swings...

Addie looks so tiny! Dan was a good sport about going on rides with her. We took turns.

 She wanted to go on everything twice. She may be my roller coaster buddy in a few years. The other girls are getting more fearful. I thought Winter would be ready for faster rides this year, but no.

We ate lunch at Johnny Rockets. These two were so cute sitting next to each other in high chairs. 

They're cute sometimes too. Mya is going through a phase where she looks away and smiles when I take a picture. Not sure what that's about.

I knew he wouldn't want to but I begged Dan to go back to the arcade when Angus woke up so we could get a family portrait. I thought it would be such a perfect way to capture our fun day and then we could blow the picture up and frame it! 

I guess I forgot how tiny photo booths are...  Winter was like, "Why are we doing this?! It was not fun. Very squished. We didn't get a single pic of all 6 of us. After we walked away I figured out a better way to get everyone in there. The girls need to stand behind Dan and I and put their faces next to ours. Then we could just hold the babies up. I didn't even try to convince Dan to try again. I knew the answer would be hell no. But next time we are all together and we see a photo booth, we are doing it. Hopefully it will be soon so the kids aren't too much bigger...

This guy is totally in love with me <3 The feeling is mutual little man. 

And this guy. Before kids, I found his work uniform pretty sexy. But now... sporting a toddler and a diaper bag, hubba hubba.

All in all, it was a great day. No disasters or tantrums to speak of. And everyone enjoyed themselves I think. 'Till next year Snoopy!

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