Tuesday, January 19, 2016

the g is silent

When Dan wanted to name every single one of our babies Angus, I protested. I protested hard. I was secretly relieved when they turned out to be girls so I didn't have to argue with him any more. Okay maybe not so secretly. I gloated a little bit each time. BUT it finally happened. We found out we were having a boy. I pretty much had no choice but to agree to it. I felt like he kind of earned it in a way. My reasons for not naming our son Angus were these:

It reminds me of beef.
It is too close to Anus.

That's pretty much it. You always want to protect your kids from being teased by their peers. So you don't name them something that sounds like a butt hole. Dan thinks having your name made fun of makes you stronger. We shall see. 

Addie used to call him Buddy, short for brother. But she soon caught on that his name was Angus so now she calls him... wait for it... ANUS.

Sorry dude.

I should add that I actually like the name now... probably because I love the little man that comes with it <3

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