Thursday, March 31, 2016

1st of many

Mya has been feeling "a wiggly tooth" for over a year now. Ever since her friends in Kindergarten started losing their teeth she's been dying to lose one herself. Poor thing is younger than most of her classmates having a birthday in August.

The other day it finally happened. She said she had a loose tooth and it was actually loose. Like really loose. It was so loose it was kind of sideways in her mouth. We talked about putting it under her pillow when it came out and getting something from the tooth fairy. It was getting very exciting. Dan and I offered to pull it out but she was having none of that. She tried to do it herself with no success.

So we were driving to my mom's house and Mya was eating a granola bar and said, "Hey I don't feel my tooth anymore! It's gone! But I can't find it." She must have swallowed it with her granola bar. Ugh. Hopefully it doesn't cause any problems in her digestive track. 

Dan didn't think I should give her any money for a swallowed tooth but I thought it would be so cruel after all of this waiting and waiting for her first lost tooth and then nothing. I looked in my wallet for a dollar bill or even four quarters but couldn't find any. So, I gave her a five. I got $1 when I lost my teeth. I guess after 30 years teeth should go up in value. Cost of living increase etc... =)

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