Wednesday, March 2, 2016

the black and white polka dot dress

It all started back in August when my sister took Mya shopping for her 6th birthday. Mya came home and showed me what she had picked out. Her new things included some cute PJ's, a purse, some shoes and a black and white polka dot dress. Wendy informed me that she picked the dress out specifically so that she could match mommy because she remembered that I too had a black and white polka dot dress. Wendy thought it was the sweetest thing. It would have been sweet if I still had the dress. I flashed a panicked smile at Mya because she was so very excited that we would be twinsies. She told me to go put it on and she would put hers on. I made up some excuse like it was dirty or something and told her that we would be twinsies very soon. 

What I didn't tell her was that I sold that dress on the very addicting Facebook page, Moms of Glendora Online Yardsale. It was stretched out and old and no longer fit the way it used to, probably because I wore it while pregnant with Addie. So I did what any good mom would do and started looking for a new black and white polka dot dress. I looked on Nothing. I looked at the thrift store. Nothing. Day after day I scanned the online yard sale Facebook page for a dress that would come close to Mya's so we could be twinsies.

One day, low and behold, I found it. The lady advertised it as a vintage pinup dress. I met up with her, paid her $10 and drove home, excited to show Mya my new and improved black and white polka dot dress. When I got home, I looked at the tag and noticed it was from "Forever 21." Ha! Vintage my butt. Sneaky lady. Oh well, I didn't really care. Mya was soooo excited to see my new dress. It was very similar to hers. Mya immediately put her dress on and instructed me to do the same. "Sure!" I said. I slipped it up and on and went to zip up the back. I checked the mirror and frowned. It didn't zip all the way up. This was a couple months after Angus was born and I was not a size small yet. I had a few pounds to go still.

I told Mya it may be a few months before we could be twinsies since Mommy still had a tiny bit of extra padding on her body. Then the weather became cooler and we didn't really talk about the dress anymore.

I completely forgot about that dress until the other day when it caught my eye in my closet. I smiled because I knew I was ready to rock it. I slipped it on and zipped it right up. Yessss! Mission baby weight loss complete. I took it off and hung it up so I could surprise Mya on Sunday when we could both wear our dresses to church. She smiled so big when I walked down the stairs wearing it. She ran upstairs, put on her dress and squealed in delight. TWINSIES at last. 

Photography by Winter Wagenbrenner =)

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