Friday, March 4, 2016

fitness friday - write it down

Happy Friday!

Studies show that you will eat less if you keep a food log or food journal. Basically write down everything that goes into your mouth. There's something about actually seeing it down on paper or entered in your phone. 

There are a bunch of fitness aps out there that do this for you. I like my fitness pal. It counts the calories for me and I can enter in the exercises I do as well. I know a lot of people are not fans of calorie counting mainly because it's tedious but it gives you a good idea of how much food you should take in and what foods are contributing the most calories. Once you are aware of it, it's easier to make better choices. It's a pain in the butt I admit. But if you struggle with self discipline like I do, it really helps. 

Also, I like to write down my plan for the day the night before. It takes just a few minutes to do. I write what exercise I'm planning on doing and what I'm eating for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks.

Writing things down makes them more true. It takes a thought and turns it something concrete.

This doesn't have to be forever. Just a couple weeks to get into the habit of eating a certain amount and get into the routine of exercising regularly. 

Just an idea that may help you if you are looking for helpful ideas ;)

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