Friday, March 18, 2016

Fitness Friday - RUN!

I've always enjoyed running. I love to be outside moving my body. Running just makes the most sense I guess. It's free and it's a great calorie burner. Sometimes I wear a heart rate monitor that tracks the heart rate obviously but also estimates calories I'm burning. Last time I ran about 25 minutes and burned about 400 calories. That's a sandwich! Pretty awesome. I use the term running loosely. It's more of a trot. I'm not a fast runner. In fact I'm probably the slowest runner that has been running off and on as long as I have. But that doesn't stop me. I think in high school my fastest mile run was 8.5 minutes which is not impressive for a fit 16 year old. God just did not design my body to be swift I guess. I have short legs and a long torso... not exactly built like a gazelle.

I've found a few things that have helped me improve my speed and endurance, however. I thought I would share them. Also, if you want to run and don't know how to get started, I can help you with that too.

After having babies, it's pretty much like starting over when it comes to fitness because the body only holds on to that muscle memory for so long. Take a year off and forget about it. So I've learned to build up to running 3 miles a day which is where I like to be. I just don't have the time for more than that. These days I'm up to about 2 miles a day.

Okay so here are some helpful tips:

1. Stretch - Before you start running, you want to make sure you stretch really well. If you don't stretch you will most likely be sore and that will stop you from running again the next day. Also you could injure yourself and that's no fun. Super inconvenient. So stretch. Look up some pre and post running stretches on YouTube. There are tons.

2. Protect your skin - Wear sunscreen and a hat. Skin cancer is no joke. I've known a few young-ish people that have already had skin cancer from being in the sun a lot. Protect yourself.

3. Eat the proper foods before you run - You don't want to eat a big meal before you run. I think that's common sense. You want to eat something relatively small about 20 minutes before you run. Like a banana or a piece of toast with peanut butter on it. A good system is to eat your snack, then get dressed, get a water bottle, put sunscreen on, go pee, hook up your phone and ear buds etc. That will give your body some time to digest.

4. How to start - If you want to start running, here's what I would recommend. Get yourself a good upbeat playlist of your favorite songs that lasts around 20 minutes or so. Begin with a walk for the first song. Then a slow trot for the next song. Alternate between walking and running every other song. Do that for about a month then try upping it to running for two songs and walking for one, then three and so on. You should be able to do a slow run for 20 minutes after a few months. Keep challenging yourself though. Time yourself each time and try to get a faster time. Or try running fast for one song and slow for the next.

5. Stay hydrated with sips of water - Don't chug a bunch of water before or during a run. You'll probably get a cramp. But sipping a water bottle before and during a run can actually prevent cramps.

6. How to prevent cramps - I'm always prone to cramps when I start running after a long break. Not sure why that is but I've learned a couple of things. The water thing and the food thing. Take it easy on liquids and foods before you run. Also, breathe in your nose and out your mouth. Something about taking air in through my nose keeps me from cramping. I read it somewhere years ago and every time I feel a cramp coming on, I start to breathe in through my nose and out my mouth and it goes away. Magic. Not really. Science. But still pretty cool. It is recommended that you breathe through your nose and your mouth, however, taking deep breaths instead of shallow ones to get more oxygen to your body. I usually do the nose thing only if I'm starting to cramp.

7. Work your core to improve endurance. When you start a running program, also start working out your core. Simply doing sit-ups everyday before or after a run will actually improve your endurance. Strengthening your core improves so many things in your body and one of them is endurance. Not many people know that so I thought I would mention it. Give it a whirl and see what happens.

8. If you can't run, power walk. If you have poor knees or you just simply hate running, power walk! I've seen some pretty intense power walkers. One lady actually passed me on a trail while I was pushing the double stroller. I had dogs too mind you. But she passed me. Walking. So yeah, no excuse not to get out there.

9. No excuse. A cool thing about running too is that anyone can do it. Even moms with babies or preschoolers. Put those kiddos in a jogging stroller with some snacks and water and you're good to go. My older girls used to fight in the double stroller after like 20 minutes so there are no guarantees but most likely, they will love getting out in the fresh air and watching the people, cars, dogs and squirrels go by.

10. For me, the right music can make all the difference in the world between a lazy, tired run and an endorphin filled, it's gonna be a great day kind of run. I thought I would share my playlist these days in case you wanted some suggestions. I apologize for my Meghan Trainor obsession. She's just so fun! This playlist is just over 30 minutes long so it's perfect for me right now.

  1. Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae
  2. Dear Future Husband - Meghan Trainor
  3. Walkashame - Meghan Trainor
  4. Bang Dem Sticks - Meghan Trainor
  5. Feel Good - Gorillaz
  6. Raise Your Glass - Pink 
  7. Fight Song - Rachel Platten
  8. Hey Mama - Mat Kearney
  9. Marvin Gaye - Charlie Puth
  10. What I Wouldn't Do - A Fine Frenzy

Now obviously there is more to running and tons of expert advice you can research if you want to learn more. There are articles on the right foods to eat, the right stretches, breathing techniques and the correct running form. Feel free to explore. But frankly, I think it's awesome just to get out there and run the way you know how.

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