Wednesday, March 9, 2016


35. Yep. It's here. Mid 30's. Last time I checked I was like 28 and now here I am. It just seems like the last 7 years have been a bit of a blur... probably because they were filled with pregnancies, breastfeeding, diaper changes and potty training.

I celebrated yesterday by taking a me day. I love my me days. I'm so thankful for them. They save me from going completely insane. Mom watched Angus and Dan watched the 3 girls.

I went to lunch with my dear Elizabeth at Granville in Glendale. We sat on the patio and watched the people and traffic go by. I didn't mind the jealous looks from poor mamas pushing screaming toddlers down the street in strollers. Nope not at all. If they only knew =)

After lunch, I shopped at H&M and Forever 21. Though I feel increasingly older each time I walk in those stores, I was able to find some cute things for killer prices. Oh and I went to Ross too. LOVE me some Ross. The trouble with that place is that I always have to chose a few items out of like 50 that I like.

I got a pedicure too. That lady nearly put me to sleep with her hot stone magic. I was quite impressed with her. She had her two year old boy sitting in the salon watching an ipad, then eating a snack while she worked. I can't do anything while watching Addie. This lady was giving me a pedicure. Crazy. Maybe she's training him for his future in mani-pedis.

So yeah, I had a really nice day! I was really close to a very embarrassing incident however. I stopped at the fancy hotel at the Americana to use the restroom. After I walked out of the fancy stall, I washed my hands and used a fancy washcloth to dry them. I felt like rolling my eyes at the bathroom attendant because why oh why would anyone need assistance using the bathroom? So unnecessary. That is unless you need someone to point out that your toilet seat cover is hanging out of your pants. Ahh! I was totally that lady. She's all, "Excuse me miss, you have... something coming out of your... in the back." Okay I am thankful for the bathroom attendant. That could have been bad.

Anyway. I just love my birthday. I convinced Dan to let me sleep in until 7:00 while he watched the babies. Yes 7 is actually sleeping in 2 hours! I also got some flowers from Dan and the girls and cute little cards and gifts from friends who made me feel special. I got myself a milkshake because why not and we went out to birthday dinner at a new BBQ place nearby. My bible study group sang me happy birthday so I would say my birthday has been pretty darn awesome.

Now I am not down with the whole self absorbed selfie phenomenon that seems to be sweeping the nation. However it's ma birfday and totally acceptable in my opinion to post a selfie to one's blog on one's day of birth. So here I am at 35 with my hair did and mascara on. Feeling good.

I have to say that I feel more content with my life than any other birthday thus far. Each year I learn more about who I am, and more importantly who I am in Christ. I'm far from perfect but I am confident that He's working on my heart and I feel good about the woman He's shaping me to be. I am so very blessed it is ridiculous. I won't list all the ways but I will say that I am excited about what God has for me at 35. Whatever happens I know that He has a plan and it's better than any plan I've ever had for myself.

Wow. 35. That came fast. I have a feeling it's just gonna get faster.

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