Monday, June 6, 2016

operation awesome summer

I'm a big dreamer and a big planner. I start off full steam and usually peter out soon thereafter. I'm aware of this personality trait but it doesn't stop me from dreaming and planning.

So my summer goals are:

1 - Summer learning program - Mya and Winter complete one page of school work Mon-Friday. Read a book a day to Winter. Have Mya read 2 chapters. Practice writing with Winter. I should have Mya practice writing too I guess.

I got this awesome summer activity workbook my sister convinced me to buy. She's a teacher and insisted the girls would be dummies come fall if they didn't continue to do something to stimulate their brains. I plan to read to Addie as much as possible. She will let me read anything to her as long as it has animals in it.

2 - Addie potty training program - This is how we potty train. I roll back the big rugs, throw the small ones outside and strip Addie down to her cute little naked body. I remind her many times to put her peepee in the potty. Then I give her lots of juice which she never gets so she sucks it down. She always poops in the morning so I just have to wait for the squat. That's always a bit trickier. For some reason poopoo in a potty is scary to a 2-year-old, even a pink princess potty that makes a cute little flushing twinkle sound. I use pull ups at nap time and when we go out of the house until I feel confident that she's ready to tell me when she has to use the potty.

3 - Work out Monday through Friday. I'm trying to alternate upper and lower body workouts with running a few times per week. I'm still hooked on Love their workouts. They are so basic yet effective. And there are tons for any type of workout for any length of time. 

4 - Make stuff - I want to make something with the girls a few times per week. Meals count. Winter loves scrambling eggs and has become quite the little chef. Other things we make are smoothies, pancakes, cookies, banana bread, zucchini bread, pizza, play dough and slime. 

5 - Eat lots of fruits and veggies - I'm trying to cut up different veggies for the girls to eat for dinner and snacks. I'm only buying the ones they like so they'll actually eat them. They dip most veggies in ranch. They love all fruit so that's easy. 

Other things planned for the summer are piano lessons, gymnastics and swim lessons. It sounds like a lot but piano is once a week and swim lessons are only for one week, Monday-Friday. And gymnastics is also once a week for 50 minutes. Oh and we'll do VBA (Vacation Bible Adventure) That will wear all of us out. 

So far so good! It's Monday and we've implemented our summer learning program with only one melt down from Winter. She hates writing her lower case letters. We started potty training! Addie peed on the floor about 10 times which is definitely a record in this house and cried for her diaper periodically. But she is getting the hang of it. She's peed in the potty like 5 times and received a skittle each time. She waited until I was busy with Angus and went in the living room and pooped on the floor. But the rugs are rolled back so it wasn't horrible. We'll try again to poop in the potty tomorrow. I worked out my lower body today with my little 5 and 6-year-old workout buddies. Winter lasted about 5 minutes until she quit and got a snack but Mya stuck it out for the whole 30 minutes. Go Mya. We made some pink and purple play dough. That stuff is so cheap and easy. We didn't have any veggies. Can't win 'em all. We had lots of fruit though...

Awan de diapo!! (I want the diaper)

Reading material is always helpful.

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