Sunday, June 26, 2016

party pooper

Sometimes I think my life really can't get any grosser than it already has. Like I've probably seen the worst of it. I mean you can't really get grosser than being puked on, peed on, catching the poop ... right? Wrong. Tonight was not just gross for me, it was gross for a big pool full of kids (and all of their parents who were not in the pool thank goodness).

It was a friend's birthday down the street. We all ate dinner and had cake and ice cream and headed to the pool. Well all the dads and kids did. The wives stayed back at the house... except this one 'cause Dan doesn't really come home too much in the summer time I'm starting to realize. So me and 10 dads sat and watched our 20 kids have a super happy time. All four of my kids were in the pool. My favorite little 10 year old babysitter, Rylie was holding Angus and Addie was swimming happily with her little puddle jumper keeping her afloat. Mya and Winter were diving for toys and jumping in and just doing what kids do in the pool I guess.

It was getting kind of late, like 8:00 or so. My kids go to bed at 7 usually so I thought to myself, we should get going but everyone is having so much fun... I wonder how long everyone else is going to stay. My kids will throw a fit FOR SURE if we have to leave. Do I want to deal with that? 

Then it happened. My friend Melissa said, "Is that poop?" I cringed. Of course it was. Of course my little potty-training cutie pie pooped in the pool. "Yep that's definitely poop!" She said. I looked down and there was a little brown cloud in the water. It wasn't just poop. It was diarrhea poop. Melissa is a take charge gal (which I appreciate immensely) so she began taking charge of the situation telling all the kids to get out of the pool. The only problem (okay not the only problem) was that it was by the stairs where you usually exit the pool so the kids started swimming head first through the poop to get out. Melissa started yelling for them to swim away from the stairs, away from the poop. I just sat there with a sad look on my face while all the kids got out and just stared at the poop, not sure what to do. They were all wondering what was next. They were asking very good questions like, "Why did Addie poop in the pool?" and "When can we go back in??"

All the dads just kind of sat there and yelled things like, "Okay lets go!" It was probably better that the moms weren't there. It may have been a different scene altogether. A bit more frantic I would imagine. I grabbed my little stinky one and started the process of cleaning her up. I took her over to the shower and began spraying her down but somehow it created a poopy mess on the shower floor from the reusable swimmy diaper and the poopy kid so I went into the bathroom and began to clean the swim diaper in the toilet. I know, so gross. I had my hands in the toilet with the poopy swim diaper. Why did I buy the kind you can re-use? Well, I figured it would hold in poop better than the disposable kind which may be true but I don't know if I want to go through cleaning a poop filled swimmy diaper again. This is the 3rd time I've had to do this actually. Luckily Addie got out of the pool to poop in her diaper the last two times.

My friends all asked if they could do anything to help but I assured them I would be okay after we all had some baths and recommended everyone else do the same. And here I was thinking we could skip baths tonight because everyone went in the pool. It's like a giant bathtub with chlorine. Nope.

Melissa made a cute little sign to go on the pool gate. I'm not sure that it makes it any less gross that there was diarrhea poop in the pool.

1 comment:

  1. That is the funniest blog I have read yet. I'm still laughing. Too funny.
