Saturday, June 11, 2016

summer shenanigans

When do babies start sleeping in? At least until 6:00. I can't remember but I hope it's tomorrow. Last night Angus went to bed at 6:30 and woke up at 5 AM. It was awesome. Usually he wakes up at four. But at some point the kids start sleeping in until six or 630-ish… looking forward to it.

Summer is in full swing around here. We have been busy bees. I went in the pool with pants and a top on the other day because Addie tried to drown herself, unsuccessfully fortunately. It's always good for them to go underwater a couple times though. It teaches them how the whole body sinking in water thing works.

Winter still wears a floatie because I don't trust her to listen to me and stay in the shallow end and I can't be saving her all the time. She's getting swimming lessons in a week so hopefully she'll be able to swim after that. She kind of can now but not up to my standards. Mya is a great little swimmer. Of course she is. One down, three to go.

We started piano lessons! Mya did awesome, as expected. Her teacher, Jillian, was surprised at how fast she picked it up. And Winter, true to form, had to be bribed in order to finish the lesson. I kept hearing the sound of Winter running her fingers along the keys from one end of the piano to the other. I couldn't help but laugh. She earned her money that half hour. I heard her say, "Okay Winter, if you can get through the rest of the lesson (5 minutes) without playing the piano, I will teach you how to play heart and soul when we're done." That was Winter's first and last lesson... for now. I asked her if she liked it and she said, "No! I never want to do that again!" No problem. We didn't really plan on her taking lessons anyway. I just needed her to experience one so that she wouldn't ask if she could have lessons like Mya all summer.

So, the potty training is going ok-ish. Addie can get most of her peepee in the potty. She misses pretty often but she's on the right track. Several times she's said, I go peepee in the potty! And there's a puddle on the bathroom floor and a little bit in the pink princess potty. Now I keep paper towels and baby wipes in the bathroom to clean up the mess. The poop is still scary for her. She's gone a little bit twice but she cried the whole time for her diaper. 

I left her with a babysitter, Becky, Thursday. I put her in a pull-up and told Becky to remind her to go potty. I knew she was going to poop in the pull-up as soon as I left. Becky said she filled that thing up. It even oozed out down her leg. Poor thing. She was so traumatized by the potty she saved 3 days worth of poop for the pull-up she knew was coming that night. Addie is a bit harder to potty train than I expected. Winter and Mya were pretty much potty training rock stars. They had it down in like 2 or 3 days, or maybe that's just what I tell myself. Addie's funny about it. She walks around holding her butt like she could go at any time and she doesn't want anything to escape. I'm not worried though. It's just exhausting dealing with all the other kids while potty training Addie. 

Winter always asks for a snack and Mya always asks for my phone right when things start to get crazy and I'm sitting on the bathroom floor cheering yay! poopoo! and Addie is crying hysterically because she doesn't want to go poopoo in her diaper but she doesn't want to go in the potty either. She's caught in the in-between poopoo land. Winter and Mya have totally learned when to ask me for things. Usually it's when I'm trying to sleep on the couch in the morning while the babies are still in a good mood and play by themselves for like 20 minutes or they ask when I'm elbows deep in diaper mess. Clever little ones. 

The big girls are having fun so far this summer. We've been making all kinds of things. 

I had some very ripe bananas so Mya suggested that we make banana bread like Auntie Wendy does. She asks like once a week, pretty much when there are overripe bananas in the house. So this time I actually said okay. And we did. It came out in one piece which is rare so I decided that we would give it to our neighbor across the street who always buys us really expensive gifts and we've never really returned the sentiment. We just bake her stuff. Winter was not on board. We're still teaching her how it is better to give than to receive. She refused to go deliver it with Mya. 

Winter is an excellent pancake flipper. 

Side note: Slime is a bad idea... unless the kids are super responsible with it. But what's the fun in that? They mixed it with water and it ended up creating a sticky gooey mess all over the back yard. Really hard to clean up. So we won't be making it again. I'm glad Dan was working that night. He would have flipped.

I had some cake mix that was about to expire so we made cupcakes... in new gymnastics leotards. Why not.

More summer adventures to come!

1 comment:

  1. My boys loved the cupcakes!! if those are the ones that you brought to OYB ;)
