Monday, June 6, 2016

random May part 2

Here we are at the annual San Marino firefighter pancake breakfast. 

I went to Winter's school for their Mother's Day celebration. 

Taking advantage of the other two being in school for a couple of weeks more, Dan and I went out to breakfast with these two. So much easier with two. And they don't have much to say so Dan and I can talk about whatever we want. I forgot how nice it is when the kids have no idea what we're saying.

I volunteer in the nursery at church once a month. It's my duty as a mom with 4 kids being cared for by loving nursery and Sunday school workers each Sunday. This is my fav group. The crawlers. The cuteness is just too much. We had these 5 adorable boys last time. 

To pass the time one afternoon, Mya raked leaves.

Winter made "soup."

Mya lost her 2nd tooth! And she didn't swallow it! And I remembered to leave money from the tooth fairy!

Winter graduated from preschool! Finally. Mya and Winter will be at the same school next year. One drop off. Yesssss.

Since this is random May, here's a random good idea. Use foil to cover the bottom of your toaster oven instead of washing the tray all the time. We use our toaster oven like 5 times a day so it gets crazy gross. This has been one of the best ideas I've ever had I think. 

I got to spend the afternoon with old friends sans kids yay! Happy 35th Elizabeth! I can't believe I've known these people 20 years. Mid 30's. When did that happen? And we don't look a day over 22. 

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