Sunday, October 2, 2016

take 2

Lice. First time, freak the freak out. Second time, cool as a cucumber. Kind of like having a baby. I think it's the unknown that we fear the most. 

We thought we made it through the summer without getting lice which was kind of a miracle since there seems to be a bit of an outbreak in our area. And we live in a community where the kids spend every waking moment together over the summer. I knew it was too good to be true. Winter must have contracted lice before we went to the beach and had it the whole time.

Last Sunday, a friend at church commented that I should check Winters hair because she was scratching a lot as we were leaving. I told her that Winter was just an itchy kid, which is true. She's always scratching something. But we knew the truth. Dan and I looked at each other with that we're screwed look. 

When we got home, we went to work. I examined Winters hair and found big mama lice. Like 10. I felt like a really bad mom for not even noticing. But I quickly got over that and went into rid my home of the lice mode. Without even discussing our plan, Dan and I both did what needed to be done. He bagged and washed. I lathered and combed.

Winter wanted to see every single creepy crawler and didn't want me to flush any of them. I enjoyed combing the giant bugs and nits out of my daughter's hair... Does that make us slightly gross? Perhaps.

Nobody else had anything. Mya had some questionable nit looking things in her hair but nothing crazy. Why does winter always get stuff? If there is anything contagious within a mile of us, Winter will catch it. They are sisters. They hug, share brushes, watch movies in my bed together... It's a mystery.

Mya has SUPER long hair. Not ideal for combing but we got through it.

When your kids get lice you become a lice expert. You research like you've never researched before. You would ace any exam on the subject. 
There really should be a parenting class with a chapter dedicated to lice.

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