Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Sunday morning I was on it. You know, the ball. Angus woke up early so I was able to put him back to bed at 7:00 and hop in the shower and actually put some effort into my appearance for church. I blow dried my hair for the first time in 2 months. I just got my toes and hair done too, mentioned in my previous post. And I just did all the laundry so all my cute clothes were clean. I was feeling pretty good as I walked out of the house in my cute clean outfit, my blow dried, recently highlighted hair and I put my black heels on (well... wedges) to match my pretty toes.

Dan took the big girls to their Sunday school rooms and I took the babies to theirs. I dropped off Angus who also looked pretty cute I must say. Addie slept in her dress the night before, however, but no one could tell. I took Addie to the potty because we are still potty training and then we went to wash her hands.

That's when I saw it. My reflection in the mirror. My smile quickly turned into a look of panic. Aaahhhhhhh!  I forgot to put makeup on!!!! 

Okay I know. Much more tragic things are happening right now all over the world. But when you're 35 and sleep deprived and in denial that you aren't 25 anymore you NEED mascara, eyeliner and eyebrow pencil (especially when you're blondish eyebrows disappear without it). Oh well, at least I could put my sunglasses on outside. So close to fabulous.


  1. Oh honey, you are so darn cute. I love you. You are hilarious!

  2. Thanks mom! Backatcha 😘

  3. Just say you are inspired by Alicia Keys. It's easier that way :)
