Tuesday, December 6, 2016

adventures at albertsons

I don't know why I take the kids anywhere with me. I'm just not mentally organized enough to get all of my shopping done when Dan is home and the kids are napping. That would be smart. But for some reason I like to wait until he's at work and I have no choice but to bring my 1 and 3 year old. I'm always frazzled when I take them with me anywhere. I'm trying to hurry and think fast in case Angus starts wanting out of the cart or Addie has to go potty. So I'm super distracted and forget half of the things we need and end up getting 50 things we don't need.

They are actually not bad shoppers. Angus sits up front and will last a good 20 minutes as long as the cart is moving, resulting in a lot of drive by shopping. And Addie likes to sit in the back of the cart and yell out everything she sees. Totally doable.

I went to Albertsons last week. I rarely go to that store because Vons is way closer but I was running errands in the area so I thought, why not? The kids will like it because it will be new to them. And the aisles are huge and there are never people there for some reason. Surprised it is still in business. So in we went.

The first stop was the produce section. Addie started yelling things like, Oh I love green apples! Oooooh grapes! Mama strawberries! 

I spotted the fruit cups Winter loves to take in her lunches so I parked the littles in the middle of the aisle where they would be safe from destroying neat stacks of oranges and reached up to get one pack of fruit cups. Of course two more came crashing down to the floor and exploded in a sticky mess. I apologized to the produce guys and they quickly cleaned it up for me. I need to take baby wipes with me everywhere. Baby wipes would have helped.

So we continued on down all of the aisles and I managed to fill my cart. I even filled the bottom with water bottles, sodas and beer. Then we passed the bathroom. What was I thinking? I know to avoid the potty because when Addie see's a bathroom sign she HAS to go explore it. I tried to turn quickly away from the bathroom but she spotted it and said I gotta go pooootttyyyyyy! Ugh fine! I said. Even though she went 20 minutes prior at the house. Whatever. No biggie. So she sat on the potty, didn't pee, and said all done! I rolled my eyes, washed her hands, let her play with the blow dryer thingy (all while holding squirmy Angus) and back out to the cart we went.

As I was putting fussy Angus back in the cart, (he tasted freedom and was not happy to be strapped in again) Addie said, I do it myself as she tried to climb in the back of the cart. I tried to tell her to wait for me but it was too late. She kicked the beer on the bottom of the cart and it fell to the floor. One broke and the other kind of exploded and fizzed over. It made me sad to waste two good beers. The Starbucks ladies quickly came over with paper towels and began to mop up my mess.

An older man walking by spotted tiny Addie trying to climb in the back of the cart and quickly (for an 80 year old) helped her in. He smiled and asked me if my precious blessings were twins. I don't even think he noticed the beer mess. I told him they weren't and he continued to tell me about his grand babies who were in their late 20's. Oh how I miss these days, he said. You enjoy them. They just fly by. I could tell he didn't want to leave. He just stared and smiled. I smiled back and said something like have a good one and walked to the checkout. The checkout clerk was very understanding when he asked about my empty cardboard juice cup wrappers and missing beers. He had someone go get me new ones. What a nice guy. What a nice store!

I left in a good mood for some reason. Probably because of the super helpful Albertsons people and their smiles. And the sweet old man who thought my little ones were the cutest most precious things he'd ever seen. And he reminded me to treasure them. Sometimes I forget to.

This was before we cut the mullet off =) I had our neighborhood barber take "a little bit off the top" but I told him to leave the curls because I just wasn't ready to let them go. Aaaaand mullet. It's gone now. 

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