Monday, December 26, 2016

big december

December is probably my favorite month. I love September too but only because Dan takes the whole month off and we live at the beach for two weeks. But I've always loved December. It's all about Christmas. The house is decorated. It's cold enough for scarves. You hear Christmas music everywhere you go and they start selling pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks. Oh and I love soup. December is a good soup month. I love being a mom in December. I get to experience the magic of the season all over again through the excited eyes of little ones. And the older they get, the more fun it is.

There is a lot going on, obviously. Several Christmas parties, classroom parties, Winter's birthday and shopping shopping shopping. I decided to just make one big post with all that is December.


Elves. Oh the freakin' elves. I lost Sparkle. Or maybe Dan lost her. Either way, she's gone forever. So I ordered two new knockoff elves. The new Sparkle, and Bob. They look just like the real thing. Mya has figured out that they are not real. But Winter still believes, so I have to hide them to keep the magic and wonder alive. But they were late because they were coming from Amazon so I really only had to hide them for 10 nights until they left again and went back to the North pole. It wasn't too horrible. And I decided I wasn't going to get all Pinterest-ish and put pressure on myself to do something fun and creative. So I just did whatever I felt like doing. My attitude was way better this year. 

We get the house cleaned in December. Lili is a cleaning magician. I love her. 

We hosted our annual family Christmas party. It's always over 30 people and pretty much my favorite day of the year. 

For Winter's birthday this year (Dec 21st), she wanted a special day filled with special things. So first, breakfast in bed. But she wanted to help make it first. Then we went birthday shopping at Target, then lunch at Chuck E. Cheese. Mya hung back with Dan and did puzzles because they are big home bodies and Mya is still afraid of people dressed like characters of any kind. Then we picked out a cake and ice cream and balloons and had a mini neighborhood cake and ice cream party. It lasted about 45 minutes. Perfect. 

School Christmas stuff...

Dan and Mya are really into puzzles. And the girls are off for two whole weeks so there's lots of puzzle time. I help sometimes too.

Our kids are finally old enough to sit and watch Christmas movies with us. Of course Elf. One of our faves. Popcorn and hot chocolate too. 

Christmas Eve. Dan worked but I had fun wrapping the last minute gifts and getting everything perfect for Christmas morning. Winter brought reindeer food home from school (oatmeal and glitter) so we left that outside for them. And of course we left cookies and milk out for Santa. 

Last year didn't go so well. Mya wasn't impressed with some of her gifts (books and clothes) and I tried to make a breakfast french toast thing that wasn't edible. This year was way better. I planned ahead and found tons of gifts at thrift stores, dollar stores, swap parties and online yard sales. So they had lots to open. And everyone loved everything. And I made cinnamon rolls! Well the ones in the can but they came out great. Dan and I are kind of lame when it comes to getting each other presents. But we're both okay with that. He sends me links via email with the presents he wants me to buy. He buys me stuff on Amazon and the confirmations show up in my email so I know what I'm getting. But again, we're happy. 

We had some family over for Christmas dinner. And puzzles!

Here I am!

We've had this giant Homer for 10 years. Still going strong. Mya used to be terrified of him. 

You would think I'd be sick of shopping by the end of the month. And yet here we are at Target hitting those after Christmas sales.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!!! I loved every bit of it. Great pics. Your happiness shines through. Love you.
