Thursday, December 8, 2016

black and white November

Wups, forgot to post this one... 

She is so little. It adds to her cuteness. We took the little ones to the doctor the other day and Angus is a few inches shorter but outweighs teenie Addie by 6 ounces. And they wear the same size shoes.  

Her shoes don't match... but it doesn't even matter. 

How much do I love this guy? Too much. This is my I'm going to have to eat your face face. Little boys are fun because when they yawn, instead of exhaling they roar.

Take a picture mom! We're so cute. 

Most of our time during soccer season was spent on this playground. I didn't really get to see Mya or Winter play too much. Dan was able to come to one game and zero practices. Yeah. But he brought home lots of bacon.

Another picture requested by Winter and Addie. They make it so easy.

Mya: I got Addie ready for church Mom!

Birthday party at a park. These two have probably spent more time on playgrounds than anywhere else. They are professionals at this point. 

1 comment:

  1. I love them all. But I especially like the one of Mya getting Addie ready for church. Lol
