Wednesday, December 14, 2016

did i just say that?

Things I've said lately:

I'm pretty sure your teacher doesn't want you to draw feet on your nines.

Stop calling me OLD LADY!!!

You guys are PISSING ME OFF! Don't ever say that.

Sorry Mya. I just told Winter to tell you it was time to get up and get ready for school. I didn't know she was going to turn on the light and scream cockadoodledoo.

That's a really good question. I'm not sure if dogs have belly buttons. I don't think so.

Why are you naked again?!!

It is NEVER okay to throw your scab at Mommy's face. 

How did you get poop on the outside of your pants?

Morning conversations:

Me: You want a bagel Winter?
Winter: Yeah!
Me: Want a bagel Addie?
Addie: Yeah!
Me: Yes?
Addie: No bagel!
Me: Okay toast?
Addie: Yeah!
Me: Yes, toast?
Addie: No toast!
Me: Cereal?
Addie: Yeah!
Me: Yes, cereal?
Addie: No cereal!
Me: Okay you let me know what you want.
Addie: I want a bagel!! With peanut butter!!
Me: Okay you want a bagel with peanut butter.
Addie: No peanut butter!
Me: Okay just butter?
Addie: No peanut butter!
Me: Right. Just butter.
Addie: No peanut butter!
Me: Okay Addie

Me: Who wants to let the dogs out?! Raise your hand!
Winter: Umm mom you're the only one raising your hand.

Me: Yes... ok I'll let them out.

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