Tuesday, February 21, 2017

snow day

Top reasons to take your family of six to the snow:

You feel guilty that they've never been.
It's 35 minutes away.
Your daughter wants to build a snowman.
You have friends with snow gear that are happy to lend you everything you need.
Everyone else on Facebook has been to the snow this year.
Your kids see the snow on the mountains daily and ask if we can go daily, sometimes twice a day.
Your husband agrees to go, finally.

So last week, we got the kids dressed in their snow gear and drove the 35 minutes to Mt. Baldy. It's not the most beautiful spot but it gets the job done. People leave trash and broken pieces of plastic sleds there but there's enough snow to do a little sledding and build some snowmen. Very icy ones but still technically snowmen. 

We parked the car, hiked about 5 minutes to a spot across a little river and I put Angus down and noticed he was missing a boot. Ugh. Dan went and fetched it. It was all the way back at the car of course. My hero =)

I've learned to take the family pic right away when everyone is happy to be there and no one is melting down yet. 

Some nice people offered to lend us their sleds. So we did a little sledding. We figured it would probably be better than our boogie board. 

Addie couldn't decide if she liked the snow or not. 

Angus didn't really say much. He just sat and observed the whole time. He couldn't really walk in his rain boots in the snow anyway.

Then we built some snowmen. 

The End. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the taking family pictures at beginning of whatever adventure you are on! So many of my pictures are taken at that point, haha. Otherwise we'd never have decent family pictures.
