Monday, February 27, 2017

amusing convos

Wendy: Gift cards are THE BEST Christmas gift you can get a teacher.
Me: (excitedly) But how about an ornament with a picture of your kid's face in it??!
Wendy: Ugh NO!! They will throw that away! Gift cards!!
Me: (Quietly) Oh Okay

We usually have a stray kid or two hanging out at our house at any given time. We have a pretty awesome neighborhood. Poor Mari has like 5 kids that aren't hers most days. A few days ago, 8 year old Morgan was over for the afternoon, probably because Mari wasn't home.

I was making a word banner for a friend's birthday. It was a Greek word because my friend is Greek. I was explaining to Mya that my friend's family is from Greece so they speak Greek there. Like people from Japan speak Japanese and people from France speak French. Morgan chimed in, "Yeah, I'm lots of things like, Swedish... American... and Oregon!"

MYA - 

Mya: Mom, you shouldn't look at your phone while you're driving. It's like bald eagle or something.
Me: Ummm whattt?
Mya: You know, it's like breaking the rules...
Me: Uh... yeah... bald eagle?
Mya: Yeah, like against the law.
Me: Ooooohhh illegal? 
Mya: Yes! Illegal.


Winter - Can we have a big breakfast?! Pancakes and eggs and sausages and fruit and orange juice?!!

Me: I made you a big dinner last night. I don't feel like making a big breakfast. Can't you just have cereal or something?
Mya: Actually I made dinner...

Me: Oh yeah... ugh fine I'll make breakfast


Winter: (heading back to school after winter break) I hope Mrs. Gorski remembers my name... 


I realized the other day that we don't take the girls inside fast food establishments very often. We really only take them to Max's, the local Mexican restaurant. So they are not very familiar with the process of ordering, paying and waiting for your food.

I noticed that Winter was drinking a cup of soda. "Where did you get that?!" I asked, terrified she just grabbed it off of some stranger's table. She just shrugged and said, "I just asked the guy for a cup and he gave me one and I filled it up over there." 

...makes sense. 


Winter: Mom are red markers made outta blood?


Addie sees me eating a cookie. Excitedly asks: Oooooh Mommy did you go poopoo?!!
Me: Umm no... 
Addie: You has to go poopoo in the potty for a cookie!!
Me: Oh... Yeah I did.
Addie: No you didn't!! You has to go poopoo in the potty for a cookie mommy! 

Ugh potty training. 


Addie: We're home!!! I love home!!! Thanks for driving us home mom!!!


Out to breakfast at a restaurant. The waitress brought us extra plates for the little ones. 

Addie: Oooooh plates!! I love plates!!
I love her zest for life.


Addie: I can't wait to blow out the candles!!

Me: It's not your birthday. Only Rosie gets to blow out the candles. But Mari will give you a piece of cake! 
Addie: I LOVE her!!! She's my best friend EVER EVER!!

But then when Addie walked in, Mari asked her if she wanted pizza and she was very disappointed. She cried,  "NOOOOOO! Where's the caaaaaake???!!!!"


Addie knows so much more about life than Mya and Winter did at her age because she has big sisters.

Me: No more grapes or you guys will get diarrhea.
Addie: Yeah and then we'll be dead like dinosaurs and monsters and we'll lay on the ground like this (falls on floor) and not talk!!


Some kids tried to get into my minivan yesterday. They opened the door and started telling me something about their day then realized there were new kids in car seats in their car. Then they looked at me and backed up and looked at the van. "Hey this isn't the daycare van!" Said the older one. "Cute kids!" said the younger little girl. Then they walked away. After watching the whole thing, Addie commented, "That wasn't Mya and Winter, right mommy?!" 
Right Addie. =)

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