Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Fun with Mari

Today I am thankful for my friendship with good ol' Mari.

I love love love having Mari in my life. She gets me. She understands the chaos and exhaustion that comes with having a bunch of little ones. And she's fun and kind. And she's always down to do stuff with me. And our kids get along. It's never easy when you take 9 kids anywhere but for some reason we don't mind doing it together. 

Here we are biking and strollering accross a very busy street like a little parade to a nearby park. Winter's bike chain broke on the way back so that added a tiny bit more fun to the trip. I didn't even panic a little bit because you kind of just expect something to go wrong and it becomes normal. So I threw the bike on top of the double stroller and Winter hopped on someone else's scooter and home we went.

Twinsies =)

We spend many mornings and even more afternoons in front of
Mari's house just mothering together. It's what gets me through the afternoon and early evening most days when Dan's working. 

And here's Angus at Sante Fe Dam. We brought the rest of the children and a couple neighbor kids but I only got a picture of this guy because he's the only one that is ALWAYS within a few feet of mom 😊 Look how pretty it is there.

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