Well, it's officially spring. Bees are everywhere. If my birthday wasn't in March I'd probably hate it. I do love the fact that the time changes and we can hang out outside after dinner. And in Southern California it's pretty much perfect weather all spring. Buuuuttt the bees are EVERYWHERE. I'll live.
These days, Angus is quite the little independent toddler. The days of him needing to be held most of the day are over
thank goodness because he's VERY heavy. He still outweighs little Addie by at least two pounds. He still isn't really a morning person and has a meltdown in the AM most days, usually because I won't let him stand in front of the fridge with the door open or let the sink water run while he "washes the dishes." But he is soon happy and ready to face the day. He is OBSESSED with all vacuums and brooms, enjoys doing pretty much anything outside and loves pretend cooking with the salt and pepper shakers, a pot and a spoon. He also loves balls, cars and trucks and enjoys yelling them out on the freeway. He's not super verbal so it just sounds like adaaaaaaak!!! We understand him though, and that's really what matters. He also loves following Dan around when he's fixing stuff. I love having a mini man in the house. This age is definitely my favorite. Addie's is a close second.

Addie is still very tiny and very loud. She is just adorable. Even when she yells at me, I smile because she is just the cutest. She enjoys playing with baby dolls, little animal figurines, barbies and pretty much anything that has a mom and baby. She has an amazing imagination and acts out lots of interesting scenarios, and is usually in character as the mom of all the toys. She frequently yells at me for calling her Addie instead of mom. She loves following Winter around and she loves watching Peppa Pig and Daniel Tiger. I've always loved Daniel Tiger. Such a helpful show. She also sings all day. The words change but the tune is always T
winkle Twinkle Little Star. For instance, she'll sing,
Where is Winter? Where is Winter? Where is Winter? Where is Winter? to the tune of
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... or
the ABC's. Did you know it's the same tune? She loves playing at her friend Rosie's house too. She never wants to leave and usually cries the whole way home. Pastor Dave down the street can't help but smile when he sees her wailing on her little tricycle pedaling her tiny self home. She yells, ISSNOT FUNNY DAAAAVE!!! Which of course makes us laugh even more.
Winter is doing extremely well in school and is adored by all. Her sisters fight over her and she has many fans. I expect this to be a forever thing. She's fun, confident and silly. People can't help but want to hang out with her. Winter enjoys playing babies, barbies, building forts, looking for bugs outside and playing with her bff Grace. She and Mya cherish nap time (as we all do) and love to play together without having to put up with the littles stealing their stuff. She still cries every night when it's time to clean up, however. Nobody's perfect. Winter has passed Mya up in height and weight and eats a
ton and loves meat. She is still my most affectionate one and hugs and kisses me a hundred times a day.
Mya is growing into quite the amazing little girl. She is so smart and helpful and very caring. She is
not super social. Most days she enjoys just spending time with me or Dan. She still loves puzzles, games and making crafts. She talks about being a singer when she grows up and often practices by turning on Pandora and singing along with whatever song is on the KIDZ BOP station. She likes playing Sudoku and some battleship game Dan taught her on his phone that she has mastered. Mya is my picky eater and would love to eat bagels and granola bars all day and mac and cheese for dinner. She cries when Dan makes her eat a sandwich for lunch. It's kind of ironic because Dan hates sandwiches too. =)

Dan spends his days either working at the fire station or fixing things I break when he comes home. He also loves working in the yard and cleaning the garage. Okay maybe he doesn't love cleaning the garage but he does it pretty often. He helps a ton with the kids too. And he lets me sleep in which I LOVE. When he's home, he takes over and whips everyone into shape, including me. Rules are enforced and things get done. We are both pretty tired most days, however, and we do what we can. We enjoy our time together after the kids go to bed or when we can find a babysitter and go out to dinner. We marvel at the cuteness and smartness of our little ones and often talk about how very blessed we are. Of course we take turns getting super frustrated with the kids too.

My days are a huge mix of yelling, laughter, yawning, laundry, dishes, playing at the park and loitering in front of Mari's house when Dan's at work. I am always making big plans to work out and eat healthier. And I go on cleaning binges and then quickly get overwhelmed and let the house go for a while then clean it up really well again. I love going through stuff and getting rid of it and organizing random areas in the house. Nap time and bed time are my favorite times of day but only because there are FOUR of them. FOUR. I do love taking pictures of the kids and shaking my head when they are too cute for words or too funny when I'm trying to discipline them. I roll my eyes and sigh a lot. But man do I love my crazy life. I really do.