Sunday, April 30, 2017

the baby is two

Raising a two-year-old for the fourth time. I'm exhausted just typing this. I don't have a whole lot to say about this little man that I haven't said recently. So I'll just say that he is definitely the cutest boy I've ever met.


(These pictures are screenshots I saved to my phone. Did not have the time nor the desire to crop them)

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Descanso Gardens

It's been a while since I've posted. I know. I can explain. Winter got the stomach flu, for like 5 days! Yeah, raising 4 little ones is doable, kind of. Raising 4 little ones while one of them is barfing every 30 minutes and one of them is scared of barf, and one of them is in diapers and one of them has potty accidents pretty frequently because she has a teeny tiny blatter and she can't get up on the toilet seat fast enough... not doable. And that's my story. More on that later. 

So this post is from a couple of weeks ago...

My mom took a much needed and much deserved vacation for one whole month, without asking me first. I would have said whoa whoa let's talk about this. How about 2 weeks? But she left for a month. Okay she actually did ask me first. But what was I supposed to say? So when she returned I was quick to pay her a visit. We went to Descanso Gardens in La Canada.

I love this place. And I love that I get in free with my mom's membership. It was funny this time because they are supposed to charge for kids over 4 but the guy was nice and said with a wink, so everyone is 4 and under right? After mom had already told him their ages. But Mya and Winter were insulted and insisted that they were SIX and SEVEN, NOT FOUR! We shewed them in and waved a thank you to the nice man. 

And as always, I snapped a pic of everyone before they got dirty and cranky. Angus had to have his own chair and refused to sit with the girls so we had to scoot the bench up next to him. 

I could just squeeze these two. And I do. All the time. 

Tons of pretty trails and places to get lost. I kept a close eye on this one.

This pic is zoomed in quite a bit. Miss independent goes as far away from me as I'll let her. I suppose I should get used to that...

They are getting big. It happened suddenly. I think I was just trying to make it through last year and then all of a sudden they became little ladies. Little still. But so big. 

I'll never let you go Jack! ha!

Why oh why did I bring this? No one sat in it of course. But they did fight over who would push nobody. 

Angus fell flat on his face in a pile of leaves. I snapped a pic like a good mom while Grandma took the leaves out of his hair. Look at that face. I could eat him. 

She's back <3 Don't ever leave me again mom. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

spring break in bako

Wrote this a couple weeks ago...

It was spring break Tuesday and I thought, "Well Dan is working a lot of the next week and I miss Wendy soooo... maybe I'll head up to Bakersfield." It's only a 2 hour drive... and change. And the girls LOVE it there with all the animals. AND it's pretty much perfect weather. Ugh WTH let's go.

So, I took my children all by myself and headed up north. And it was actually quite nice. More work than home of course as it always is with kids. But not bad. 

We took a walk every morning and every afternoon to get out of the house. We saw this nursing mama and her two little ones. It made me thankful that I didn't have to do that anymore ha! The poor girl was trying to walk away and her little babies were chasing after her trying to get a little afternoon snack. 

We walked through these awesome almond trees. I LOVE this walk. It makes me calm and happy. I take it every time I'm at my sister's house. So nice. 

Here's Addie relaxing by the pool. "Such a lovely day mom! Let's rest."

Here's my awesome Winter entertaining the little ones. Love her. She definitely has a way with them.

Winter spent pretty much two days straight with the horses and goats making sure they had enough to eat. Mya ventured out a couple times. 

I tried to share my almond tree excitement with them.  

They didn't appreciate it like I did. They were like, ugh can we go back to the house now? 

Good times. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

thankful thursday - nap time

Nap time. Two hours of uninterrupted laundry sorting. I would say folding but I gave that up a long time ago. I love that my littles sleep from 11:00-1:00 every day while the big girls are at school. It flies by but I enjoy every minute. 

Last year they napped at different times and I pretty much lost my mind, at least a good chunk of it. Now I put them both down, grab a bite to eat, and work on the never ending laundry. I open my window and hear the quiet of my street and birds chirping in the tree outside. 

Then around 1:00 I hear NOOOOOOO!!! coming from Angus's room. That's how he wakes up. And the afternoon craziness starts. But that 2 hours of peace and quiet recharges me enough to get through to bedtime. If you're not a mom, I have to say that of course I enjoy spending time with my little monkeys/monsters. If you're a mom I don't need to explain how thankful I am for this time.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

thankful thursday

Being thankful doesn't need to be something profound that you realize you are truly blessed to have. It can be something little, like extra storage. A few years ago, Dan helped his contractor friend build a loft/office with extra storage on the second floor of our home. The loft/office is where I blog. And it's where I keep ALL of the stuff that doesn't fit in the kids' bedrooms that are pretty much stuffed to the brim as it is with all the kids and clothes and toys we have in there. I LOVE my storage space. It's like 5 feet by 10 feet of empty space to fill. Lately, I've been obsessed with going through all the kids clothes and only keeping the nice stuff. It makes me soooo happy to do this. I'm not really sure why but I'm almost addicted. In fact I'm hurrying up with this post right now so I can get back to sorting the size 7 girls clothes. I'm sure that's normal...right? Anyway, this Thursday I'm SUPER thankful for extra storage space with all the extra people in this house creating extra stuff. =)

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

spring update

Well, it's officially spring. Bees are everywhere. If my birthday wasn't in March I'd probably hate it. I do love the fact that the time changes and we can hang out outside after dinner. And in Southern California it's pretty much perfect weather all spring. Buuuuttt the bees are EVERYWHERE. I'll live.

These days, Angus is quite the little independent toddler. The days of him needing to be held most of the day are over thank goodness because he's VERY heavy. He still outweighs little Addie by at least two pounds. He still isn't really a morning person and has a meltdown in the AM most days, usually because I won't let him stand in front of the fridge with the door open or let the sink water run while he "washes the dishes." But he is soon happy and ready to face the day. He is OBSESSED with all vacuums and brooms, enjoys doing pretty much anything outside and loves pretend cooking with the salt and pepper shakers, a pot and a spoon. He also loves balls, cars and trucks and enjoys yelling them out on the freeway. He's not super verbal so it just sounds like adaaaaaaak!!! We understand him though, and that's really what matters. He also loves following Dan around when he's fixing stuff. I love having a mini man in the house. This age is definitely my favorite. Addie's is a close second.

Addie is still very tiny and very loud. She is just adorable. Even when she yells at me, I smile because she is just the cutest. She enjoys playing with baby dolls, little animal figurines, barbies and pretty much anything that has a mom and baby. She has an amazing imagination and acts out lots of interesting scenarios, and is usually in character as the mom of all the toys. She frequently yells at me for calling her Addie instead of mom. She loves following Winter around and she loves watching Peppa Pig and Daniel Tiger. I've always loved Daniel Tiger. Such a helpful show. She also sings all day. The words change but the tune is always Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. For instance, she'll sing, Where is Winter? Where is Winter? Where is Winter? Where is Winter? to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... or the ABC's. Did you know it's the same tune? She loves playing at her friend Rosie's house too. She never wants to leave and usually cries the whole way home. Pastor Dave down the street can't help but smile when he sees her wailing on her little tricycle pedaling her tiny self home. She yells, ISSNOT FUNNY DAAAAVE!!! Which of course makes us laugh even more.

Winter is doing extremely well in school and is adored by all. Her sisters fight over her and she has many fans. I expect this to be a forever thing. She's fun, confident and silly. People can't help but want to hang out with her. Winter enjoys playing babies, barbies, building forts, looking for bugs outside and playing with her bff Grace. She and Mya cherish nap time (as we all do) and love to play together without having to put up with the littles stealing their stuff. She still cries every night when it's time to clean up, however. Nobody's perfect. Winter has passed Mya up in height and weight and eats a ton and loves meat. She is still my most affectionate one and hugs and kisses me a hundred times a day.

Mya is growing into quite the amazing little girl. She is so smart and helpful and very caring. She is not super social. Most days she enjoys just spending time with me or Dan. She still loves puzzles, games and making crafts. She talks about being a singer when she grows up and often practices by turning on Pandora and singing along with whatever song is on the KIDZ BOP station. She likes playing Sudoku and some battleship game Dan taught her on his phone that she has mastered. Mya is my picky eater and would love to eat bagels and granola bars all day and mac and cheese for dinner. She cries when Dan makes her eat a sandwich for lunch. It's kind of ironic because Dan hates sandwiches too. =)

Dan spends his days either working at the fire station or fixing things I break when he comes home. He also loves working in the yard and cleaning the garage. Okay maybe he doesn't love cleaning the garage but he does it pretty often. He helps a ton with the kids too. And he lets me sleep in which I LOVE. When he's home, he takes over and whips everyone into shape, including me. Rules are enforced and things get done. We are both pretty tired most days, however, and we do what we can. We enjoy our time together after the kids go to bed or when we can find a babysitter and go out to dinner. We marvel at the cuteness and smartness of our little ones and often talk about how very blessed we are. Of course we take turns getting super frustrated with the kids too.

My days are a huge mix of yelling, laughter, yawning, laundry, dishes, playing at the park and loitering in front of Mari's house when Dan's at work. I am always making big plans to work out and eat healthier. And I go on cleaning binges and then quickly get overwhelmed and let the house go for a while then clean it up really well again. I love going through stuff and getting rid of it and organizing random areas in the house. Nap time and bed time are my favorite times of day but only because there are FOUR of them. FOUR. I do love taking pictures of the kids and shaking my head when they are too cute for words or too funny when I'm trying to discipline them. I roll my eyes and sigh a lot. But man do I love my crazy life. I really do.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

black and white march

Not only do they complain about the food I make them but they complain about the food I make ME. "Yuck! I no like eeeegggs!"

 It's warm enough to wear shorts and flaunt those baby legs. Not quite as squishy as last year but still darn good. 

They love my bed. Oh sorry Dan, OUR bed.

Just cuz he's adorable, playing on the neighbor's front porch. 

I love the way Dan reads to the kids. He does not put any effort into it AT ALL. He simply reads through the words as fast as he can and closes the book and says, THE END. But it's a sweet pic isn't it  <3 =)

I love the warm weather. I think I start to wake up around Spring. Like I've literally been sleeping through Winter. Like hibernation. I get it now. It's too cold to move. But then the sun comes out and yay! Let's play.

Award time. I so appreciate whoever arranged for them to get awards on the same day back to back when Dan was home. Yessss. So nice. 

Mya got an award "for writing." Yeah, she does like to write I guess. We were kind of not impressed. She's kind and helpful and a great student. There is so much she could have been awarded for besides writing. I guess that's just the proud mom in me... =)

Winter's award was spot on. Enthusiastic learner. And she is. She is enthusiastic about everything. I was pleased with her award. 

This was in Bakersfield this weekend. She was "resting cuz it was such a lovely day." She just keeps getting cuter.