Sunday, April 16, 2017

spring break in bako

Wrote this a couple weeks ago...

It was spring break Tuesday and I thought, "Well Dan is working a lot of the next week and I miss Wendy soooo... maybe I'll head up to Bakersfield." It's only a 2 hour drive... and change. And the girls LOVE it there with all the animals. AND it's pretty much perfect weather. Ugh WTH let's go.

So, I took my children all by myself and headed up north. And it was actually quite nice. More work than home of course as it always is with kids. But not bad. 

We took a walk every morning and every afternoon to get out of the house. We saw this nursing mama and her two little ones. It made me thankful that I didn't have to do that anymore ha! The poor girl was trying to walk away and her little babies were chasing after her trying to get a little afternoon snack. 

We walked through these awesome almond trees. I LOVE this walk. It makes me calm and happy. I take it every time I'm at my sister's house. So nice. 

Here's Addie relaxing by the pool. "Such a lovely day mom! Let's rest."

Here's my awesome Winter entertaining the little ones. Love her. She definitely has a way with them.

Winter spent pretty much two days straight with the horses and goats making sure they had enough to eat. Mya ventured out a couple times. 

I tried to share my almond tree excitement with them.  

They didn't appreciate it like I did. They were like, ugh can we go back to the house now? 

Good times. 

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