Sunday, April 2, 2017

black and white march

Not only do they complain about the food I make them but they complain about the food I make ME. "Yuck! I no like eeeegggs!"

 It's warm enough to wear shorts and flaunt those baby legs. Not quite as squishy as last year but still darn good. 

They love my bed. Oh sorry Dan, OUR bed.

Just cuz he's adorable, playing on the neighbor's front porch. 

I love the way Dan reads to the kids. He does not put any effort into it AT ALL. He simply reads through the words as fast as he can and closes the book and says, THE END. But it's a sweet pic isn't it  <3 =)

I love the warm weather. I think I start to wake up around Spring. Like I've literally been sleeping through Winter. Like hibernation. I get it now. It's too cold to move. But then the sun comes out and yay! Let's play.

Award time. I so appreciate whoever arranged for them to get awards on the same day back to back when Dan was home. Yessss. So nice. 

Mya got an award "for writing." Yeah, she does like to write I guess. We were kind of not impressed. She's kind and helpful and a great student. There is so much she could have been awarded for besides writing. I guess that's just the proud mom in me... =)

Winter's award was spot on. Enthusiastic learner. And she is. She is enthusiastic about everything. I was pleased with her award. 

This was in Bakersfield this weekend. She was "resting cuz it was such a lovely day." She just keeps getting cuter. 

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