Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Descanso Gardens

It's been a while since I've posted. I know. I can explain. Winter got the stomach flu, for like 5 days! Yeah, raising 4 little ones is doable, kind of. Raising 4 little ones while one of them is barfing every 30 minutes and one of them is scared of barf, and one of them is in diapers and one of them has potty accidents pretty frequently because she has a teeny tiny blatter and she can't get up on the toilet seat fast enough... not doable. And that's my story. More on that later. 

So this post is from a couple of weeks ago...

My mom took a much needed and much deserved vacation for one whole month, without asking me first. I would have said whoa whoa let's talk about this. How about 2 weeks? But she left for a month. Okay she actually did ask me first. But what was I supposed to say? So when she returned I was quick to pay her a visit. We went to Descanso Gardens in La Canada.

I love this place. And I love that I get in free with my mom's membership. It was funny this time because they are supposed to charge for kids over 4 but the guy was nice and said with a wink, so everyone is 4 and under right? After mom had already told him their ages. But Mya and Winter were insulted and insisted that they were SIX and SEVEN, NOT FOUR! We shewed them in and waved a thank you to the nice man. 

And as always, I snapped a pic of everyone before they got dirty and cranky. Angus had to have his own chair and refused to sit with the girls so we had to scoot the bench up next to him. 

I could just squeeze these two. And I do. All the time. 

Tons of pretty trails and places to get lost. I kept a close eye on this one.

This pic is zoomed in quite a bit. Miss independent goes as far away from me as I'll let her. I suppose I should get used to that...

They are getting big. It happened suddenly. I think I was just trying to make it through last year and then all of a sudden they became little ladies. Little still. But so big. 

I'll never let you go Jack! ha!

Why oh why did I bring this? No one sat in it of course. But they did fight over who would push nobody. 

Angus fell flat on his face in a pile of leaves. I snapped a pic like a good mom while Grandma took the leaves out of his hair. Look at that face. I could eat him. 

She's back <3 Don't ever leave me again mom. 

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