Thursday, April 13, 2017

thankful thursday - nap time

Nap time. Two hours of uninterrupted laundry sorting. I would say folding but I gave that up a long time ago. I love that my littles sleep from 11:00-1:00 every day while the big girls are at school. It flies by but I enjoy every minute. 

Last year they napped at different times and I pretty much lost my mind, at least a good chunk of it. Now I put them both down, grab a bite to eat, and work on the never ending laundry. I open my window and hear the quiet of my street and birds chirping in the tree outside. 

Then around 1:00 I hear NOOOOOOO!!! coming from Angus's room. That's how he wakes up. And the afternoon craziness starts. But that 2 hours of peace and quiet recharges me enough to get through to bedtime. If you're not a mom, I have to say that of course I enjoy spending time with my little monkeys/monsters. If you're a mom I don't need to explain how thankful I am for this time.

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