Sunday, December 21, 2014


Four years ago today, Winter entered the world with a bang. She was the only one I didn't have time to get the epidural with and she was 10 days early. It was pouring down rain when we brought her home. 

My little Christmas baby has been by far the biggest challenge I've ever faced. She keeps me on my toes all day every day. She is stubborn, defiant, independent, hilarious and wonderful. I can't help but adore her, even when she's being completely disobedient. She asks for forgiveness, not permission. Everyone has a story about Winter that makes them laugh. I have a hundred. Winter keeps me humble as a mom. She keeps me in prayer and in the bible. Without her, I may think I had this parenting thing down ;)

Some of my favorite things about Winter:
-She's super affectionate. She is always up for a hug, especially when she's eating dinner or after a spanking. 
-She LOVES to cook and bake. She even likes to watch me pack her lunch. I'm hoping she will be a master chef someday.
-She also loves to eat. She usually eats everything on her plate and asks for more. I love that she likes sushi. She picks off the raw fish and leaves the rice.
-She makes me laugh when I'm not supposed to. I should punish her when she says things like, "No mom! I'm not gonna do that!" but for some reason, seeing that much tenacity in such a little girl just amazes me and I can't help but smile and shake my head.
-She's super forgiving. I can do no wrong by her. When I'm yelling at the girls at the end of the day out of sheer exhaustion and frustration she tells me that I'm not a mean mommy, I'm a nice mommy. It's nice to hear and calms me down. 

Winter Paige Wagenbrenner - Age 4

Favorite expression: Silly you!
Best friend: Grace Higerd
Favorite toy: Baby Jaguar (stuffed leopard)
Favorite show: Diego
Favorite movie: Frozen
Favorite food: Fried egg sandwich
Favorite activity: helping mommy cook/bake and making tea parties and forts
Signature look: A dress with a skirt underneath

Man, sweetie, it's been a wild ride. Being your mom has been like breaking in a wild stallion. You are becoming quite an amazing little person. And I am scared and excited to find out what you have in store for us in 2015! 

Some highlights from 3 (2014)

January - You spent a lot of time getting to know your new little sister
February - you spent a night in the ER after chugging a bottle of Tylenol
March - you got your finger caught in the baby's bouncy chair
April - you fell in Uncle Doug's pond on Easter
May - you completed your first year of preschool!
June - you took swim lessons and sort of learned how to swim! But your lack of fear and obedience scares me so I still make you wear floaties.
July - we went camping in Yosemite and you caught your first fish. You were fearless. Grabbed that sucker by the belly and smiled for the camera.
August - we found you outside naked washing Daddy's truck
September - you started playing soccer! well kind of. You usually just look for flowers or hang out with Mom and Dad on the sidelines.
October - you took your first trip to Vegas and met your Great-Grandma Cook.
November - You cut your hair. Bangs!
December - You flushed a lemon down the toilet and clogged it AND you had your first real birthday party with lots of friends and games and cake and ice cream. Busy month. 

Happy birthday baby. Love you lots!

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