Thursday, December 25, 2014

best Christmas

We are a family that tries to focus on Christmas being about the birth of Jesus more than presents and Santa and snowmen and reindeer. But I just had to share about the best gift I received this year.

Let me first tell you that we have had a very unwelcome guest in our home for several months now. A little itsy bitsy teeny weeny icky stupid mouse. At first I rarely saw him but then he became more comfortable with us and lately has been showing up every few days. Dan has set traps from the beginning. At first just a couple, then a few more. Then, I saw it upstairs and saw mouse poop in the window sill of the baby's room and flipped out and threatened to hire someone myself to come catch the yucky idiot rodent. 

Dan swore he would catch it and would not allow anyone else to interfere. He even had a professional pest killer friend bring us the hard core mouse traps and still weeks went by and I kept seeing that damn mouse! He put peanut butter on all of them as my mom strongly recommended. We would find the peanut butter gone and the trap in tact. What a crazy smart annoying little freakin' mouse! Ugh! If you can't tell it was really pissing me off. I nagged Dan daily about it. But he was super invested so he wasn't about to hire anyone to come catch it for us. 

Well, today, on Christmas after we sung happy birthday to Jesus and presents had been opened and all were pretty happy, Dan went to the store for some groceries and brought back red roses. So sweet. They were very thoughtful and made me smile. Who doesn't love flowers?

But then, he brought an even better present to me in the kitchen. It was so unexpected and lovely. He said, "Merry Christmas Honey." I couldn't believe it. I saw the tail hanging out of the trap and nearly cried, I was so happy. I told him it would be hard to top this Christmas. Best gift ever. 

I do have a pic of the dead mouse and I went back and forth about whether or not to post it and I chose not to. If you want to see it, let me know and I'll send it to you. But who would want to see that, really? Other than Mya and Winter who kept begging to let them see. Weirdos. We didn't show it to them. 

Anyway, so here's a prettier pick of the lovely flowers Dan brought me.

And the girls had a fun day too. Winter passed out in her Christmas dress last night so she still had it on this morning.

The girls got a bunch of gifts. Addie got one. I like to take advantage of this age while I can. She has no idea what Christmas is yet. She was content with all the wrapping paper everywhere anyway.

New Christmas PJ's

New clothes and new skates. They need A LOT of practice but they look really cute. 

Dan made his traditional Christmas dinner; prime rib, twice baked potatoes and some seriously yummy brussels sprouts. Mya wanted to eat off the bone just like Dad so after some convincing he let her have it. 

Then we bundled up and walked around the block to look at the Christmas lights while drinking hot coco. I love looking at Christmas lights with the girls. It's one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time.

Before bed, the girls wanted to take one last Christmas picture... 

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