Monday, December 1, 2014

when it rains

Well Thanksgiving is quickly becoming NOT my favorite holiday. We managed to land ourselves in the hospital again this year for the 3rd year in a row. This time it was Dan. We took a little trip to the ER Friday night. Then again yesterday. He will be okay. He says if it would have been 100 years ago he would have died but thanks to modern medicine he will live. In order to protect the privacy of my patient I will leave it at that. But he's out of commission for a while. 

So I put on my big girl maternity pants and faced the following:

1. Yesterday, Winter put a lemon down the toilet and flushed it. It was old. That was her explanation. I plunged like I've never plunged before but nope. And that wasn't my first time using the plunger. I can proudly say that I've been able to unclog 100% of the clogs I've attempted, but a plunger is no match for a lemon. I didn't know she put something down there until she admitted it later. The things we take for granted like being able to pee downstairs when you need to. So that bathroom is out of order until Dan is well. Good luck with that one honey.

2. The same day, I lost Winter for about 10 minutes. She wasn't at her usual hangouts. So after texting, calling and walking around the neighborhood, I finally knocked on the door of my 50-something-year-old next-door neighbor Kim, not expecting her to be there but there she was, eating Kim's leftover fried zucchini watching her put up some Christmas decorations. Thanks for letting me know Kim! 

3. My coffee pot cracked, so that extra caffeine I needed to function after being up all night in the ER is being taken out with the trash as we speak. The new one is on it's way. Thanks Amazon Prime!

4. We have a mouse. It's just a little mouse but it's been camping out at casa de Wagenbrenner for a couple of months now. Dan has put traps EVERYWHERE. Yet, this morning I saw it again. I tried to hit it with a pillow but it was way too fast. I think it's time to let the professionals handle this one.

5. The baby is sick. She puked two days ago and now has explosive diarrhea and is leaving puddles on the floor. gross. GROSS. We have gone through several outfits including 2 brand new black Friday purchases and now she has nothing to wear. Time to do laundry. 

This 2-year-old Mya pic really says it all:

But I have to say again how extremely blessed we are to have such amazing friends in our community who will come and sleep on our couch, watch our kids all day and take them to school when we haven't been able to. And we are super thankful for friends in the ER who get us in and out in record time. They are all getting some serious oatmeal cookies and zucchini bread. That's all I know how to make. 

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