Sunday, December 7, 2014

frozen birthday

Since December isn't already packed with Christmas parties and birthday parties as it is, I decided to add a party for Winter in the mix. We celebrated a couple weeks early early since Winter's birthday is a few days before Christmas. And I chose a Sunday afternoon so I knew there wouldn't be too much competition with other parties. 

Initially I just wanted to do an ice cream party with all the neighbor kids. Then somewhere along the way it turned into a frozen theme since it fit so perfectly with ice cream and Winter and December. Then it became a full blown party with ice cream, cake, games, prizes and goody bags. Winter had to have a frozen cake. It broke her heart a little when I told her it was just ice cream so I caved and bought a cake too. I felt bad not inviting other kids from church and school but with the friends in our community alone, there was the possibility of having 16 kids and their parents so we just made it a neighbor party. 

It was pretty cheap. I bought all of the decorations at the 99 cent store and made a "pin the nose on the snowman" game out of card stock I already had. We also guessed how many "snowballs" (cotton balls) were in the jar. I had another game, snowball toss into the jar, but it got so chaotic I had to stop at two. Maybe we'll play later this week when we have a few friends over.

I did everything in small increments this week so I wouldn't get too overwhelmed. I've been scanning pinterest for good ideas for a couple of weeks now and I must say, it turned out pretty awesome.

Winter wasn't too impressed when she came downstairs this morning to see my amazing living room turned into a winter wonderland. She thought it could use more "stuff." Not sure what she had in mind. There were snowflakes everywhere, I watched a you tube tutorial and made pom poms and I hung a balloon banner on the banister. And the tablecloth was white with blue snowflakes. Come on. Thanks 99 cent store. I was going to sprinkle glitter on it but quickly changed my mind. Our rug would have sparkled for years. 

I made blue punch from sprite and blue gatorade and used free printables to make the frozen welcome sign on the door, the goody bags (snowman parts) and frozen prize bags. And I had the frozen movie playing on the TV. 

I'm not much of a party planner so this kind of thing may not impress most kids but I was pleased. Gracie (Winter's BFF) thought it was a shame that there were not any snowflakes hanging from the chandeliers. Next time Grace! 

Mya requested to sit next to her buddy Nolan so she could flirt with him. And the dads were totally oblivious. They were tickling and hand holding the whole time. Sheesh.

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