Tuesday, February 2, 2016

addie wins again

(wrote this last week and forgot to post)

Sometimes Dan work's three days in a row if he picks up an overtime. It's good money but I'm not sure that it is worth the emotional scars my kids are getting as a result.

That third day is usually the kicker. If we are grading my ability to keep myself under control I would definitely give myself a solid D. When I had Angus, something broke in my brain where it controls my impulses and temper. Four kids was the magic number. 

Today, one minute I am looking at Addie and Angus thinking about how I am so blessed and the next minute I am yelling at Addie to SHUT UP! and throwing a granola bar at her. It has been a long while since I did that. Not that I earned it or anything but at least it's not an everyday occurrence. She did this thing that she always does when she wants something… kind of a cross between a scream and a wine... over and over and over until something snaps in mommy.

I said no a million times determined to feed my toddler a normal meal and not let her eat her weight in granola bars. But after losing it, I decided that it would probably be more beneficial for her to have a granola bar then it would be if I continued to yell and throw things at her. She doesn't even seem to mind that I go all crazy on her. She loves me anyway. 

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