Friday, February 26, 2016

fitness friday - out of sight, out of mind

I really do. If there's chocolate in the house, and there usually is, it is always calling my name, anytime of the day. 

I don't buy certain things because my will power is pretty much nonexistent when they are in front of me. I know I'm not alone in this. I think I've mentioned that I don't buy chips. I love love love chips. Doritos are my fav. I don't buy ice cream either. I could eat a whole pint in 5 minutes. LOVE me some ice cream. I've decided not to buy anymore dark chocolate covered almonds because I have a slight addiction forming. Okay not so slight if I'm being honest. I'm obsessed. 

One of the most helpful things I can do in order to stop eating junk food is to throw it out the moment it enters the house. Dan is so good about that. He hates having sweets in the house because they aren't doing us any favors. They are bad for our teeth and bad for our waistlines. The kids don't need sweets either. There is always a holiday around the corner it seems. They are constantly bringing home candy. Valentine's day brought a TON more. When did Valentine's Day become candy day? And there are always birthday parties too. You can't blame people for sending home goodie bags filled with treats. But you can throw it out!

And as long as it is not in the house, I can't eat it. I don't even think about it. It's not a temptation. An alcoholic does not have liquor in the house. That would just be stupid. So being a self-diagnosed chocoholic, I really shouldn't have chocolate in my cupboards.

So, if you have a hard time laying off a certain thing, try not buying it and getting rid of it immediately if it does enter the house. If you have the discipline to have just a little bit, hey, more power to you. I do not.

1 comment:

  1. I postponed my weigh in date since I binged on wine (that sounds bad - I didn't drink wine all weekend!) and chips/dip on Saturday night. I generally do not have chips & dip in the house since it's a major weakness of mine. I can have cookies, and not give it a second thought though!
