Tuesday, April 19, 2016

feeding the animals

There are so many mouths to feed. So many. Four kids, 2 dogs and 7 fish. So when the girls were big enough to feed the dogs, Dan and I took advantage and haven't fed them since. The dogs have become a little fatter than we would like but it's totally worth it to have one less chore. Maybe I should walk them more.

Winter loved doing it for a while. Now Mya and Winter take turns. Winter recruited Addie when she was big enough to carry a dog bowl. It's pretty funny to watch. Winter opens the sliding glass door and pushes Addie out to get the bowls. The 60 lb dogs are jumping all around little 25 lb Addie and she's not even phased. She pushes them out of the way and comes back inside where Winter grabs one bowl and they head out to the garage to fill them up. They come back and open the slider and Addie yells about 8 times, SHIT DOGGIE SHIT! It's a combo of a paci and 2 year old talk but she can't say sit. They put the dog bowls down and they both yell OKAY! then Addie goes, "Whoa doggies!" and they come back inside. This happens every morning and every evening.

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