Friday, April 22, 2016

fitness friday - wait for it

It seems like everything these days is promoting instant gratification. All of these pictures, blogs and quotes on social media about 5 minute meals, 10 minute workouts, five minute abs etc. make me wonder if it's not better to wait.

Believe me no one understands the awesomeness and convenience of a 10 minute meal like this busy mama of four little ones. But I think in many circumstances it may be better to not have something right away.

I think if we work hard at something for a longer period of time, we will have more pride in what we've done. And a meal that takes 30 minutes versus five tastes better in my opinion.

I'm glad that changes to my body don't happen overnight because it teaches me patience, persistence, and appreciation for the hard work that I've done. I think working hard at something every day is so good for us. So maybe next time we work out we don't have to think about the changes we are not seeing in our body tomorrow but the feeling we have today, knowing that we are working at something consistently. And that feeling will quadruple in a couple months when we actually see the rewards of our hard work.

Chubilicious working on his chair squats =)  

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