Friday, April 22, 2016

too proud

I know, I already posted today. But my sister isn't a fan of my fitness friday posts so I thought I'd throw her a bone and post a regular one =)

So, they other day I was reading Romans 12. Don't be impressed. I happened to stumble upon it (on my phone) while nursing because that's what we were studying at our bible study the day before. Anyway, I began reading and was intrigued. The 12th chapter of Romans basically reminds us of what a Christian should look like. I was thinking that I probably was doing okay on a scale of 1 to 10. Boy was I wrong when I read each verse, especially Romans 12:3,16

3. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

16. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.

These verses stood out to me. I thought to myself, perhaps I am guilty of this. The bible is funny that way. You forget things and you read them and realize you need to check yourself. I am totally guilty of thinking highly of myself, especially when it comes to Mya and Winter at school. They are both at the top of their class. Winter is doing well because she's been in preschool since she was 2 and most of the kids in her class only speak Spanish at home and have never been to school before. So she has a BIT of an advantage. 
Mya is just an overachiever, always will be. I quizzed her on her new spelling words and she nailed each one, no problem. She hadn't even practiced them yet. So we reviewed them daily and she was laughing because they were so easy. I thought, man this kid. She's just like her mom. Like I have anything to do with her intelligence. 

And sometimes I get a little too proud of my ability to control my kids in public. While waiting for Winter's classroom to open every day, there is one mom with a very energetic child that is always running around causing havoc. Her mom is constantly yelling at her but she completely ignores her. I always think, man lady, she is walkin' all over you. You gotta put that foot down. 
Well the other day it was time for Amie to eat some humble pie.  
First, Winter came home in tears because her teacher had to have a word with Dan about the fact that she kicked someone on the playground, then she punched someone else in the stomach. THEN she twisted someone's arm in class. All in the same morning! What is happening?! She was THAT kid. And we were THOSE parents. The ones with the violent kid that punches other kids in the stomach. She said they were trying to "get her." This was a 1st (and 2nd and 3rd) time offense, but still. I was shocked. Winter has come such a long way. She never does stuff like this anymore. It was like her 2-year-old self came back and took over. Oh well, she was punished and will hopefully never resort to violence again. (But at least I know I don't have to worry about her defending herself when needed. She's a tough cookie.)
THEN, the same day I got a text from Mya's amused teacher telling me that she misspelled the word or on her spelling test. OR! O R. She spelled it O R E what?! That was like the easiest word on the test! Oh well, so she's not perfect. 
I was thinking, Okay God, I got it. I should never think of my kids or myself as better than any other kid or parent. Thanks for the reminder. 

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