Friday, April 15, 2016

fitness friday - eat what you already like

Sometimes when I'm really getting into the healthy living mindset I will go overboard and by a bunch of new healthy things to eat. Then, after a while I will notice that I'm not touching anything that I bought. That is probably because I'm not excited to eat any of it because there are other things I'd prefer to eat... things that are yummy that make me happy because they taste good to me. 

I remember buying a package of precooked lentils at Trader Joe's thinking I would just add them to a salad or something. But when I got home, I laughed at myself because I don't like lentils. Not even a little bit. We are creatures of habit. And as adults, we already know what we like and what we don't.

That being said, making healthier choices can simply mean buying more of the healthy things we actually like and less of the unhealthy things we can live without. I love apples, bananas, avocados and tomatoes. I always have them in the house. I can live without sodas, chips and crackers. The more healthy foods you have in your kitchen, the less processed sugary foods you'll be likely to eat. Healthy eating starts at the grocery store.

It helps to make a list of my favorite healthy foods. That way I can see that there are actually a lot to chose from. Also, make a list with the kids. There may be healthy foods that they like that you didn't even know about. Maybe they had something at a friends house they would like to try again. 

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