Saturday, May 28, 2016

tuna crab city

Well, I debated between watching my new fav show Grace and Frankie or writing this and I chose this. Because I feel like the excitement from today will wear off in the days to come and I may not remember everything. Plus watching TV is such a waste of my brain. I do love that show though.

So yesterday I braved the pool with the four kids which was an adventure in and of itself. Neighbor friends Gabe and Mari were there and mentioned they were heading out to Crystal Cove in the morning. You should come, Gabe said. We would totally help you, he said. I replied, Nah I don't think so, feeling overwhelmed simply entertaining the idea of taking all four kids to the beach without Dan. But Mari convinced me later that night via text. I believe her exact words were "You'll feel like a rock star." I do love to feel like a rock star so I agreed. I told Dan and he was very against the idea. He was certain someone would drown in the sea with that many kids and babies to keep track of. But I already told the girls and they were super excited so I told him not to worry even though I was pretty worried myself.

So I applied tons of sunscreen on the babies, packed toys and snacks and off we went. We parked our minivans full of our 9 kids and started piling 3 strollers (two singles and one double) with towels, diaper bags, beach toys and snacks. I don't think there were actually any kids in them at first. Addie hitched a ride with Gabe at some point on the way.

I posted this on Facebook but I have to include it here as well. Good ol' Mari. Look at her nursing while hiking downhill with a stroller in slippery conditions. What a gal.

As we walked up to the beach, the girls were all screaming something about crabs. We realized what it was a few seconds later... I guess El Nino washed up millions of little red tuna crabs along the coast of Southern California and Mexico. Thanks El Nino. It wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't all half alive... Mari has a thing about things that are half dead... I never thought about it before but I guess I'm not a fan either. We walked down a bit further and found a good spot with not too many half dead/half alive crabs and set up camp. Addie stayed in the stroller for a good 10 minutes while everyone else played. Maybe she was not a fan of the crabs either.

Annabelle (Mari's 8 year old humanitarian) saved as many as she could, tossing them back into the ocean.

This is Grace. She wanted to document this particular crab. Maybe it was a big one?

And Winter had fun stabbing them and building dead crab sand castles.

The big girls explored and the babies played in the sand for the most part and everyone had a great time with minimal crying and whining. And I totally felt like a rockstar on the way home... until Winter informed me that she went poop behind a large rock... But it was still a very successful beach day.

That large vein popping out of my neck is partly out of excitement that we survived the day and partly in anticipation of hiking back up the large hill we walked down.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

summer sanity savers

Okay this is strictly for moms like me. So if you're not a mom with young children, feel free to exit the screen or move on to something more interesting like Top 20 Celebrity Beach Bodies of 2015.

OMG those cheeks and that belly

Just in case you are dreaming about dreading the summer like I am because you know what's coming, I've provided some ideas to help keep us from running away from home.

Prayer - I know I know, it's a gimme but how many of us actually take the time to ask God to rescue us from our dark mommy places we know we are headed to around 4:00PM? I forget many days but when I start my day with a prayer, even if it's while I'm having my morning bathroom time, there is a difference in my attitude that day.

2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. 

Get up before your kids - This is newish for me. And it only happens half the time. It's such a huge temptation to sleep in with the kids. But I've noticed that when I get up earlier than everyone else and have a cup of coffee, my attitude is already off to a good start. When I'm woken up by crying or a child staring at me, I am already in a bad place. Getting up early starts by going to bed on time.

Friends - Invite a friend over with similar aged kids that your kids get along with. Let her know your house will be a mess so there's no pressure. Do an easy lunch like pb & j and fruit. Just being able to talk to another mom even when the kids aren't behaving can do wonders for our inner darkness attitudes.

Get outside. - Go to the park. Go for a walk. Go for a walk to the park. Whatever. If you have a backyard, have a picnic. If you're afraid to go to the park alone, invite a friend. The great outdoors is better for you and the kids.

Plan - I read something about not having your summers planned because kids need the freedom to be bored and come up with ideas of what to do. I see the point, however, that didn't work for me last summer. By noon I was yelling at everyone including the dogs and fish and mumbling obscenities. The night before, I have to plan my day. Not down to the minute but plan something to do in the morning or afternoon or both so you don't feel yucky in the afternoon and go back and forth about whether or not to do something and feel frantic and stressed out because you can't think of something and you're spiraling quickly... or is that just me?

Music/Dancing - In the afternoon before I make dinner, the kids and I are all cranky. Sometimes I'll turn on some music and everyone will dance, even the babies. It's such a quick mood booster and a good way to get some exercise.

Preventing mental breakdowns - We all know what our worse case scenarios are. The kids have been cooped up in the house all day or they've been on the go go go all week. You can just feel tomorrow being one of those days. I know that if Dan is going to be gone for 3 or 4 days, I WILL go insane around day 3. So I HAVE to call my mom to make sure she is available to hang out (AKA help me) one of those days. Even if I feel like I can handle it, I need to prevent the psycho mommy from coming out.

Take care of your body/mental health - This is kind of a part B to preventing mental breakdowns. Sometimes I'm tempted to stay up late because I've recorded Grey's Anatomy and it's calling my name. But I know that if I do, I will be tired the next morning. I need my sleep. And I need to drink lots of water (and coffee) and eat good meals if possible. Sometimes I'm tempted to eat cookies and chocolate for a snack during nap time but I know the result won't be good so I opt for an apple and peanut butter. Not quite as tasty but way better for my body and mental health.

Regular babysitters - sometimes simply looking forward to a break helps my attitude. Knowing there's help on the way can calm my angry mom tendencies. Where do you tend to spend your money? Maybe opt for a babysitter instead of a new pair of shorts or a mcdonald's run. If it is not possible to get a sitter, arrange a child swap with a momma friend. Send out a mass email or text so there's no pressure for one mom to say yes or no. Tell them to private message you if they're interested. Steer clear of facebook in case there are moms you don't want your kids around... like me! ha!

Hope this helps! Good luck sweet mommas!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

random may

When I was 5, I did the Mexican Hat Dance with a boy named Joseph. How I remember his name, I don't know. He didn't speak much English but he was a great dancing partner. 30 years later, I got to watch my daughter do the same dance with a little girl with a name ending in anna. Winter couldn't remember her full name. 

My girls never match. I've kind of come to expect it. And now they are influencing Addie to mix patterns. Live it up while you can girls! 

"Why do they call it Yogurtland? They should call it Ice Cream Land cuz there's so much ice cream." -Mya

Me: Ugh my stomach hurts.
Winter: Maybe it's because you're sitting down too much.

Interesting theory Winter. I've developed a stomach ulcer from all of the stressful sitting down I've been doing...

Sometimes, between the crying, talking back, and time-outs, they're so cute I have to take pictures.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

sibling love

When you hear people talk about being a mom, they talk about how hard it is but you also hear them say it's very rewarding. Most of the time I'm not really sure what they're talking about. They probably mean you get to see stuff like this...

This was the sweetest moment. Winter was resting on the couch and Angus went over and did this... 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

wendy the baker

My sister Wendy has made more banana bread than anyone I know. She always seems to buy more bananas than her family uses. It’s hard to know just how many bananas one will need. So she takes those overripe bananas and makes bread. And when she comes to visit me she brings me some. 

I’ve noticed she does this in life too. Kinda like taking life’s lemons and making lemonade. She’s always been one to take a bad situation and make something good out of it. She rarely sits and complains about anything. She says to herself, what can I do to make this better or fix it or change it entirely? And when faced with a closed door, she says, okay lets look for an open one. I’ve watched her face several difficult things that would have crushed some but not Wendy. She’s way too resilient to let life’s lemons get her down. After all, sometimes the grossest bananas make the sweetest bread. 

I’ve always looked up to my big sister. And now, though we lead super different lives, sometimes when I’m feeling sorry for myself, I think, what would Wendy do? There’s no way she would sit and cry. She would face this tough day with determination and a can do attitude. She would do what needs to be done and she would do it with extra energy 'cause she drinks lots of coffee =)

Thanks for all the banana bread Wendy!! 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

cheers to the happy couple

Man what a difference a few days make. Dan and I went to Newport Beach for 3 whole days and two whole nights. I slept a total of 21 hours and ate about 10,000 calories. I would have slept more but my back hurt so I had to get up. Vacation problems.

We talked (more than we have in a year) and laughed and took long walks on the beach. It was kind of like a dream. In fact it feels like that now. But that's okay. I have pictures to prove we were there. I just have to plug my ears (so I can't hear the babies crying) and I'm there.

I have to say the quality of arcade photo booths have gone way down... The other two were too blurry... Dan was a good sport. I told him it's one of life's rules. When you see a photo booth you have to stop and get pictures. He's always like, Oh you're serious?

One of our favorite rituals when on vacation in Newport, walking to get coffee in the morning. 

I got ice cream every day. Obviously it brings me great joy. One of my favorite things to eat.

Sushi at our fav sushi place. San Shi Go.

And sandwiches (one of my other favorite things to eat) at Sessions. Best sandwiches I've ever had I think...

We sat on the lifeguard tower and watched the ocean and I got a sunburn on my face. It was cold so I didn't think about it. Duh. It was lovely though.

When we were dating Dan told me I would never beat him at pool, I guess he thinks he's good. But this weekend I totally won 2 out of 3 games. Although I think he may have let me win because as soon as something was riding on the game (I told him he had to take a pic holding up his fingers like a L on his forehead), he killed me. I think I got one of my balls in when he got the 8 ball in... competitive one he is.

Here's an annoying feet, beach pic for ya. You're welcome.

Here we are again...

I love this clock in the house where we stayed. Cuz when you're at the beach, who cares what time it is.

We also went on lots of bike rides and I went paddle boarding for the first time! It was a very windy day and the current was strong. I nearly did not make it around the island but I was Dory in finding Nemo, just keep paddling, just keep paddling... and I made it. I have blisters on my delicate hands and I couldn't feel my feet afterward but I was so proud of myself. 

Dan noticed that people were walking on the island next to us and passing us like we were standing still. I didn't get a pic because my phone is not waterproof and I assumed I would fall in if I brought it. But here's what we looked like. These people are like our twins. Okay maybe he has more hair than Dan and maybe her thighs are smaller than mine... but you get the idea.

Thanks to my wonderful mom for watching the kids for 3 whole days and two whole nights, my amazing friends Melissa, Mari, Darla,Deanna and Barb for helping my mom survive so we could leave and not worry about them at all. Not once. We are so blessed! 

Friday, May 6, 2016

mama dilemmas

Before kids, I knew I would face tough decisions like to spank or not to spank, bottle or breast feed, cry it out or rock to sleep, baby carrier or stroller... 

My day to day decisions are a little different than one expects before they have kids. Here are a few normal mommy dilemmas I face on a day to day basis.

1. I'm tired and I would love to eat my breakfast sitting down. Do I want to stand up and eat breakfast at the island so I don't have to share or do I eat it on the couch with a toddler in my lap spilling food all over me? Or the third option, do I want to clean up the Legos and coloring crayons etc. and eat at the table like a civilized person?

2. I really need to empty the dishwasher. The dirty dishes are stacking up. Should I do it now while the babies are happy and risk disrupting happy play time because they will come over and try to help for sure because dishwashers are baby/toddler magnets and I will get frustrated with Addie taking everything out and handing it to me and Angus will stab himself with a butter knife. OR do I wait and do it while they are napping and waste 10 minutes of precious nap time free time. OR do I wait until night time when I'm so tired I can barely think, let alone unload and load dishes and put them in their correct homes?

3. The girls have no clean underwear. Do I let them wear the same ones again that they have already been wearing for 2 days? Or do I see if they can still squeeze into 2-year-old Addie's bottoms that match her dresses? OR do I rummage around in the storage and find the 4Ts that still technically fit? Or do I check the car for spares?

4. Angus pooped in his diaper at the store. I can tell it's a big one that may seep out into his pants if I wait a few minutes. Do I change him there? I do have a diaper and wipes in the car... OR do I put him back in his car seat all poopie with a blanket under him and wait 'till we get home where I don't have to deal with toddler Addie running wild in the bathroom stall getting into gross who knows what things? 

5. My hair hasn't been washed in a few days and it is starting to look like it... Do I take a shower which means I will be scrambling to get out the door on time because I have 15 minutes and Addie will probably poop and Angus needs to be changed too. OR do I attempt to do something creative with it that will probably end in disaster or do I wear a hat which screams I have messy dirty hair under this hat and I am super lazy.

6. Running late to a birthday party and realize my flip flops don't match. Do I turn around and go back home and try to hunt down the right one that could be anywhere really. It was hard enough finding these two. Or do I go to the party and risk someone noticing? And if they do notice, will I really be that embarrassed?

7. I was supposed to leave 5 minutes ago in order for the girls to be to school on time and I can't find the keys. Do I continue looking? I cannot think of where they might be. Or do I use the spare and risk losing that one too? Do I even know where my spare key is? 

8. All of a sudden, it's 89 degrees outside but I haven't shaved my legs in... well, months. Do I wear shorts and just make sure I don't get too close to anyone? Or do I wear pants and sweat?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

addie 2.5

I love Addie's zeal for life. She does everything with a wiggle and a giggle. She doesn't walk, she shuffles. When I hold her like a baby and I sing You Are My Sunshine very quietly and sweetly to her at night before she goes to sleep, she shakes her body like she's rocking out to Metallica. (or some other hard core rock band that's in right now) It makes me laugh which is why she does it. Her crazy personality comes with intense highs and lows however.

Everyone walks on eggshells around her. (Except Dan because he refuses to be bullied) If Winter is playing with a toy she wants, she screams that annoying screechy fake cry and then Mya says, Just give it to her! 

Being 2 is about seeing what you can get your puppet (AKA Mom) to do for you. She has driven me as close to insanity as I can get without actually be admitted to the nut house.

Addie (struggling to get dressed): Help!
Me: Help?
Addie YES!
I approach her slowly because I know what's about to happen. As soon as I touch her shirt...
Addie: I DO IT!

Addie: Eggs!
Me: Eggs?
Addie: Eggs!
Me: Are you sure? Those are eggs. (pointing to Mya's plate)
Addie: Eggs!
Me: Please?
Addie: Eggs! PEES!
Me: Okay, here you go.
Addie: (without even trying them) No liiiike it!

I'm on to you little one.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Angus Michael, my little sidekick

This time last year I was going to the hospital to have the easiest labor and delivery followed by the hardest year of my life. I know that God saved him for last because he knew I needed an easy one to join my 3 busy little ladies. Angus has been such a blessing to have around. He has my heart. Dan's going to have to share it =)

I'm not going to go on and on about what he can do and what he's like because I covered that in my life update post and a little bit more in challenge accepted. So here's Angus's first year in pics thanks to my iphone.

Happy birthday Mister!