Friday, May 6, 2016

mama dilemmas

Before kids, I knew I would face tough decisions like to spank or not to spank, bottle or breast feed, cry it out or rock to sleep, baby carrier or stroller... 

My day to day decisions are a little different than one expects before they have kids. Here are a few normal mommy dilemmas I face on a day to day basis.

1. I'm tired and I would love to eat my breakfast sitting down. Do I want to stand up and eat breakfast at the island so I don't have to share or do I eat it on the couch with a toddler in my lap spilling food all over me? Or the third option, do I want to clean up the Legos and coloring crayons etc. and eat at the table like a civilized person?

2. I really need to empty the dishwasher. The dirty dishes are stacking up. Should I do it now while the babies are happy and risk disrupting happy play time because they will come over and try to help for sure because dishwashers are baby/toddler magnets and I will get frustrated with Addie taking everything out and handing it to me and Angus will stab himself with a butter knife. OR do I wait and do it while they are napping and waste 10 minutes of precious nap time free time. OR do I wait until night time when I'm so tired I can barely think, let alone unload and load dishes and put them in their correct homes?

3. The girls have no clean underwear. Do I let them wear the same ones again that they have already been wearing for 2 days? Or do I see if they can still squeeze into 2-year-old Addie's bottoms that match her dresses? OR do I rummage around in the storage and find the 4Ts that still technically fit? Or do I check the car for spares?

4. Angus pooped in his diaper at the store. I can tell it's a big one that may seep out into his pants if I wait a few minutes. Do I change him there? I do have a diaper and wipes in the car... OR do I put him back in his car seat all poopie with a blanket under him and wait 'till we get home where I don't have to deal with toddler Addie running wild in the bathroom stall getting into gross who knows what things? 

5. My hair hasn't been washed in a few days and it is starting to look like it... Do I take a shower which means I will be scrambling to get out the door on time because I have 15 minutes and Addie will probably poop and Angus needs to be changed too. OR do I attempt to do something creative with it that will probably end in disaster or do I wear a hat which screams I have messy dirty hair under this hat and I am super lazy.

6. Running late to a birthday party and realize my flip flops don't match. Do I turn around and go back home and try to hunt down the right one that could be anywhere really. It was hard enough finding these two. Or do I go to the party and risk someone noticing? And if they do notice, will I really be that embarrassed?

7. I was supposed to leave 5 minutes ago in order for the girls to be to school on time and I can't find the keys. Do I continue looking? I cannot think of where they might be. Or do I use the spare and risk losing that one too? Do I even know where my spare key is? 

8. All of a sudden, it's 89 degrees outside but I haven't shaved my legs in... well, months. Do I wear shorts and just make sure I don't get too close to anyone? Or do I wear pants and sweat?

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