Saturday, May 21, 2016

summer sanity savers

Okay this is strictly for moms like me. So if you're not a mom with young children, feel free to exit the screen or move on to something more interesting like Top 20 Celebrity Beach Bodies of 2015.

OMG those cheeks and that belly

Just in case you are dreaming about dreading the summer like I am because you know what's coming, I've provided some ideas to help keep us from running away from home.

Prayer - I know I know, it's a gimme but how many of us actually take the time to ask God to rescue us from our dark mommy places we know we are headed to around 4:00PM? I forget many days but when I start my day with a prayer, even if it's while I'm having my morning bathroom time, there is a difference in my attitude that day.

2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. 

Get up before your kids - This is newish for me. And it only happens half the time. It's such a huge temptation to sleep in with the kids. But I've noticed that when I get up earlier than everyone else and have a cup of coffee, my attitude is already off to a good start. When I'm woken up by crying or a child staring at me, I am already in a bad place. Getting up early starts by going to bed on time.

Friends - Invite a friend over with similar aged kids that your kids get along with. Let her know your house will be a mess so there's no pressure. Do an easy lunch like pb & j and fruit. Just being able to talk to another mom even when the kids aren't behaving can do wonders for our inner darkness attitudes.

Get outside. - Go to the park. Go for a walk. Go for a walk to the park. Whatever. If you have a backyard, have a picnic. If you're afraid to go to the park alone, invite a friend. The great outdoors is better for you and the kids.

Plan - I read something about not having your summers planned because kids need the freedom to be bored and come up with ideas of what to do. I see the point, however, that didn't work for me last summer. By noon I was yelling at everyone including the dogs and fish and mumbling obscenities. The night before, I have to plan my day. Not down to the minute but plan something to do in the morning or afternoon or both so you don't feel yucky in the afternoon and go back and forth about whether or not to do something and feel frantic and stressed out because you can't think of something and you're spiraling quickly... or is that just me?

Music/Dancing - In the afternoon before I make dinner, the kids and I are all cranky. Sometimes I'll turn on some music and everyone will dance, even the babies. It's such a quick mood booster and a good way to get some exercise.

Preventing mental breakdowns - We all know what our worse case scenarios are. The kids have been cooped up in the house all day or they've been on the go go go all week. You can just feel tomorrow being one of those days. I know that if Dan is going to be gone for 3 or 4 days, I WILL go insane around day 3. So I HAVE to call my mom to make sure she is available to hang out (AKA help me) one of those days. Even if I feel like I can handle it, I need to prevent the psycho mommy from coming out.

Take care of your body/mental health - This is kind of a part B to preventing mental breakdowns. Sometimes I'm tempted to stay up late because I've recorded Grey's Anatomy and it's calling my name. But I know that if I do, I will be tired the next morning. I need my sleep. And I need to drink lots of water (and coffee) and eat good meals if possible. Sometimes I'm tempted to eat cookies and chocolate for a snack during nap time but I know the result won't be good so I opt for an apple and peanut butter. Not quite as tasty but way better for my body and mental health.

Regular babysitters - sometimes simply looking forward to a break helps my attitude. Knowing there's help on the way can calm my angry mom tendencies. Where do you tend to spend your money? Maybe opt for a babysitter instead of a new pair of shorts or a mcdonald's run. If it is not possible to get a sitter, arrange a child swap with a momma friend. Send out a mass email or text so there's no pressure for one mom to say yes or no. Tell them to private message you if they're interested. Steer clear of facebook in case there are moms you don't want your kids around... like me! ha!

Hope this helps! Good luck sweet mommas!


  1. Amie I love this - and you know you can always count me on to do something with you!!
