Thursday, May 12, 2016

cheers to the happy couple

Man what a difference a few days make. Dan and I went to Newport Beach for 3 whole days and two whole nights. I slept a total of 21 hours and ate about 10,000 calories. I would have slept more but my back hurt so I had to get up. Vacation problems.

We talked (more than we have in a year) and laughed and took long walks on the beach. It was kind of like a dream. In fact it feels like that now. But that's okay. I have pictures to prove we were there. I just have to plug my ears (so I can't hear the babies crying) and I'm there.

I have to say the quality of arcade photo booths have gone way down... The other two were too blurry... Dan was a good sport. I told him it's one of life's rules. When you see a photo booth you have to stop and get pictures. He's always like, Oh you're serious?

One of our favorite rituals when on vacation in Newport, walking to get coffee in the morning. 

I got ice cream every day. Obviously it brings me great joy. One of my favorite things to eat.

Sushi at our fav sushi place. San Shi Go.

And sandwiches (one of my other favorite things to eat) at Sessions. Best sandwiches I've ever had I think...

We sat on the lifeguard tower and watched the ocean and I got a sunburn on my face. It was cold so I didn't think about it. Duh. It was lovely though.

When we were dating Dan told me I would never beat him at pool, I guess he thinks he's good. But this weekend I totally won 2 out of 3 games. Although I think he may have let me win because as soon as something was riding on the game (I told him he had to take a pic holding up his fingers like a L on his forehead), he killed me. I think I got one of my balls in when he got the 8 ball in... competitive one he is.

Here's an annoying feet, beach pic for ya. You're welcome.

Here we are again...

I love this clock in the house where we stayed. Cuz when you're at the beach, who cares what time it is.

We also went on lots of bike rides and I went paddle boarding for the first time! It was a very windy day and the current was strong. I nearly did not make it around the island but I was Dory in finding Nemo, just keep paddling, just keep paddling... and I made it. I have blisters on my delicate hands and I couldn't feel my feet afterward but I was so proud of myself. 

Dan noticed that people were walking on the island next to us and passing us like we were standing still. I didn't get a pic because my phone is not waterproof and I assumed I would fall in if I brought it. But here's what we looked like. These people are like our twins. Okay maybe he has more hair than Dan and maybe her thighs are smaller than mine... but you get the idea.

Thanks to my wonderful mom for watching the kids for 3 whole days and two whole nights, my amazing friends Melissa, Mari, Darla,Deanna and Barb for helping my mom survive so we could leave and not worry about them at all. Not once. We are so blessed! 

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