Sunday, May 15, 2016

wendy the baker

My sister Wendy has made more banana bread than anyone I know. She always seems to buy more bananas than her family uses. It’s hard to know just how many bananas one will need. So she takes those overripe bananas and makes bread. And when she comes to visit me she brings me some. 

I’ve noticed she does this in life too. Kinda like taking life’s lemons and making lemonade. She’s always been one to take a bad situation and make something good out of it. She rarely sits and complains about anything. She says to herself, what can I do to make this better or fix it or change it entirely? And when faced with a closed door, she says, okay lets look for an open one. I’ve watched her face several difficult things that would have crushed some but not Wendy. She’s way too resilient to let life’s lemons get her down. After all, sometimes the grossest bananas make the sweetest bread. 

I’ve always looked up to my big sister. And now, though we lead super different lives, sometimes when I’m feeling sorry for myself, I think, what would Wendy do? There’s no way she would sit and cry. She would face this tough day with determination and a can do attitude. She would do what needs to be done and she would do it with extra energy 'cause she drinks lots of coffee =)

Thanks for all the banana bread Wendy!! 


  1. I love this post. So Cute. Love the pictures. You too have so much fun together.
