Tuesday, May 3, 2016

addie 2.5

I love Addie's zeal for life. She does everything with a wiggle and a giggle. She doesn't walk, she shuffles. When I hold her like a baby and I sing You Are My Sunshine very quietly and sweetly to her at night before she goes to sleep, she shakes her body like she's rocking out to Metallica. (or some other hard core rock band that's in right now) It makes me laugh which is why she does it. Her crazy personality comes with intense highs and lows however.

Everyone walks on eggshells around her. (Except Dan because he refuses to be bullied) If Winter is playing with a toy she wants, she screams that annoying screechy fake cry and then Mya says, Just give it to her! 

Being 2 is about seeing what you can get your puppet (AKA Mom) to do for you. She has driven me as close to insanity as I can get without actually be admitted to the nut house.

Addie (struggling to get dressed): Help!
Me: Help?
Addie YES!
I approach her slowly because I know what's about to happen. As soon as I touch her shirt...
Addie: I DO IT!

Addie: Eggs!
Me: Eggs?
Addie: Eggs!
Me: Are you sure? Those are eggs. (pointing to Mya's plate)
Addie: Eggs!
Me: Please?
Addie: Eggs! PEES!
Me: Okay, here you go.
Addie: (without even trying them) No liiiike it!

I'm on to you little one.

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