Thursday, May 19, 2016

random may

When I was 5, I did the Mexican Hat Dance with a boy named Joseph. How I remember his name, I don't know. He didn't speak much English but he was a great dancing partner. 30 years later, I got to watch my daughter do the same dance with a little girl with a name ending in anna. Winter couldn't remember her full name. 

My girls never match. I've kind of come to expect it. And now they are influencing Addie to mix patterns. Live it up while you can girls! 

"Why do they call it Yogurtland? They should call it Ice Cream Land cuz there's so much ice cream." -Mya

Me: Ugh my stomach hurts.
Winter: Maybe it's because you're sitting down too much.

Interesting theory Winter. I've developed a stomach ulcer from all of the stressful sitting down I've been doing...

Sometimes, between the crying, talking back, and time-outs, they're so cute I have to take pictures.

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