Wednesday, March 1, 2017

black and white Feb

This is the only workout I'm able to do these days. I highly recommend it. Great for the whole leg. 

The only time my children get read to is when Winter plays teacher with them and makes up a story that goes with the pictures in the book. Her stories are always better anyway.

She wore my "fwip fwops" for like an hour. I was impressed. It's always fwip fwops or wain boots with her. 

Who has fun cleaning the vacuum? Dan's kids.

Babies are fun cuz they let you stick your finger in their mouth.

Thanks to cucumbers I can say my kids eat their vegetables.

These little buddies <3

Ooooh a boot! And it's just my size.

Perfect. Alright, let's go.

Goofball =)

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