Sunday, March 5, 2017

aquarium visit

When Dan was about to propose to me, he thought to himself, Where should I take Amie to pop the question? Ooooh, they have the great white shark at the Monterey Bay Aquarium right now and I really want to see it... yeah, I'll propose in Carmel then we'll hit up the Aquarium the next day. Done. True story.

Some friends gave us tickets to The Long Beach Aquarium last month so we went of course. Dan LOVES ocean life, hence the giant aquarium in our living room. He really should have been a marine biologist or something. He says maybe when he retires from the fire department he'll volunteer at the aquarium... 

Mya is still very much afraid of people dressed as characters or giant animals. She always asks everywhere we go if there will be any characters there. I told her there probably wouldn't be any giant sharks lurking around the aquarium. But do you know what we did see? Someone wearing a giant polar bear costume. So random. Mya's teacher loves polar bears. So Mya went as close as she could possibly bear (haha get it? bear!) and zoomed in as far as the phone would go and snapped this pic to show her. My little weirdo. I wonder when she'll grow out of this fear. She's going to be 8 this year...

Let's pretend that lady is me.

We got to touch jellyfish! They are way more sturdy and rubbery than I expected. 

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