Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Dan

Today I'm thankful for my marriage. I love being married. I think people make it sound harder than it is. I love having a buddy or life. And I can honestly say we are happy. He is why I have not lost my mind with all the kids and the amount of work that comes along with them. He's helpful and he keeps this place running. And we love hanging out together. We compliment each other. Obviously we fight because we're normal, (he wishes I was a bit more on top of things and I wish he was a bit less particular about everything including the minivan) but we know at the end of the day how lucky we are.

Hopefully I'm not rubbing it in for those of you who are spouseless or do not like your spouse. This is simply what I'm thankful for. Everyone is going to have different blessings in their lives. And when we stop to think about the things we are thankful for, there are sooooo many. And I'm so thankful for the blessing of an awesome marriage.

We went out for sushi Tuesday night. It was fun.


  1. I love this post!! Every time I hear how much people love being married and who they are married to it makes me hopeful and happy :) Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Thanks Sonia!! I think you're pretty darn awesome =)
