Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sam Diego

Winter is not convinced that it's San Diego. San is not a name. Sam is a name. And so is Diego.  I think she thought we were visiting a couple of dudes... 

So we have some friends, the Olsons, Jim, Cathy and their son Eric, who live in San Diego. We love them lots and visit them when we can. These days it's definitely not as much as we'd like. 

So we headed down for the weekend. We also had Legoland tickets we needed to use before March. So we did that too. We left Angus with my mom to make our weekend A LOT easier and almost relaxing. Jim and Cathy's house had some unfinished stairs with no railing. He would have fallen off of them for sure. And I would have spent the whole weekend holding his hand up and down those stairs. And a toddler at any amusement park is exhausting. Sooo, it was better this way. I did miss him though. We are rarely apart, Angus and me. He did pretty awesome, my mom said. She always says that but I believe her. 

Addie LOVED Kathy. We told her we were visiting our friends Aunt Cathy and Uncle Jim but she called her Gwamma Caffy =) and said about 50 times, "I wuv you Gwamma Caffy." It was pretty cute and Cathy is a Grandma so she wasn't at all offended. She loved them all. She even let Mya and Winter help with the meals which they loved. It was an excellent trip. 

Mari and Gabe and the kids were actually able to join us at Legoland so that was super fun. 

Jim and Kathy's...

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