Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thankful Thursday - 36

Who's havin' a birthday?! This girl!

Well it's finally here. The big 36. Okay, 36 is basically the same as 35. I may start to panic a little next year because 37 is considered late 30's... no bueno. And although 36 may seem young to those in their 40's and 50's, it's older than 25 which is how old I feel like I am. A friend of mine said something about us turning 36 this year and I thought to myself, is that right? Am I going to be 36? Seems a little old... I'm kind of starting to lose track.

I've actually always loved my birthday. I love the birthday wishes, the special attention, the big hugs, presents, cake, ice cream, love it all! Today I loved sleeping in and I'm gonna love ditching my family for some me time. I plan to take my big girls out to the Habit for some birthday lunch and then some dinner with the hubby tonight. I'm not one of those people that doesn't like attention and acknowledging getting older. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT.

I'm thankful for my birthday this year. It means I've survived another year of being a mom of four. I'm not really sure I remember most of it... That's what the blog is for. I can't say that I did a particularly amazing job but I don't think I messed them up too bad. In fact, I'm kind of proud of the way they are turning out. And they all think I'm pretty awesome so that's something.

But seriously, I have everything I could ever want. (Warning: I'm going to be a little sappy and cheesy for a minute) I have a husband who loves me a lot and I him. We have four amazing beautiful smart children. I have awesome family and friends and a really cool church filled with loving people who have become our extended family. Life is not easy and it's not supposed to be. But I wouldn't change my life at all. Okay maybe I secretly want a robot... who cooks and cleans. But other than that, I wouldn't change a thing.

Happy birthday old girl!

Amie - 1 year old. I love this so much. Check out those cheeks. And those legs. Love it. So fat. 

2 or 3... not sure...

Definitely 7. I remember this day! I had a party at Grandma's house. This was my favorite dress I've ever owned.

I'm going with 10 here...

That's all I could find! Mom didn't have Facebook unfortunately. 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Happy Birthday Amie! Enjoy the whole day and all the special things! 36 is great - and for the record I had you pegged at 32 or so. :) Shelly
