Thursday, November 27, 2014


Addie is 1! She is fun. She's full of life and noise and excitement. She's tiny and cute and just a little crazy. We like her a lot.

She shared her birthday with Thanksgiving this year. What a perfect way to celebrate. She had pumpkin pie instead of cake of course.

I made the turkey and green bean casserole this year. I LOVE green bean casserole. I should make it more than once a year... maybe I will. I went to Vons this morning because I needed a few last minute items. I may just do my Thanksgiving shopping on Thanksgiving morning from now on. There was no one there!

I've never cooked a turkey before so I went with the easier, cheaper option, a turkey breast in the crock pot:

$11 for the 6 lb breast plus cranberry sauce, onion soup mix, OJ and voila. 

I got the recipe here.

Everyone loved it. That's what I'm doing from now on. So easy.

And we had a marvelous Thanksgiving for the first time in 3 years. Last year we brought Addie home from the hospital on Thanksgiving which was nice but super quiet (mom had the girls) and the year before that, Dan's mom passed away so we haven't actually been able to attend our family's Thanksgiving celebration for a while. It's my favorite holiday. It's just fun. It helps that I love my family. And they love my kids which makes me love them even more. 

Wendy definitely has a knack for the hostess thing. Check it out!

Yeah, pretty lovely.

Some of us partied a little too hard...

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