Sunday, April 26, 2015

the kids


Mya is being Mya, helping neighbors with chores like folding laundry and putting groceries away, trying to master a new skill... the jump rope, telling me when Addie is poopie, and drinking tea and coffee like a grownup. I have to keep reminding her that she's 5.


Winter: Cleaning up my toys makes my tummy hurt.

Winter: To get to church we have to go through pixie dust valley, snowy mountain, then the city.

Me: ok where's pixie dust valley?
Winter: by the park

Me: k where's snowy mountain?
Winter: it's in the desert


After doing pigtails like mine:

Winter: Mommy I wanna be just like you... but I don't have that face, I have this face.


Addie may be spending too much time with the dogs:

I often catch her drinking from the dog bowl outside...

and eating her food with no hands...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

true or false

Winter is a story teller. Her BFF Grace always gets mad because Winter doesn't seem to know the difference between fact and fiction. Grace will say something like, "Miss Amie, tell Winter that she did NOT have dinner with Tinkerbell!" Or "Your dogs CANNOT TALK!"  I'll say something like, "It's okay Grace she's just pretending. And Winter will say calmly, "No I'm not." and that will make Grace totally lose it.

I walked in to Winter's classroom to pick her up from school the other day and she had her back to me and was telling the teacher all about how we made a whole office for Angus with a desk and everything. Why a baby would need an office I don't know but Winter seems to think he will.

I think the truth just seems so boring to her sometimes. I like to see where her imagination goes. Maybe we'll start reining her in when she turns 5. 

This evening after giving Winter yet another chance with chewing gum (she swallows it) Mya reported that Winter probably swallowed it again because it wasn't in her mouth anymore. (Mya keeps me abreast on every situation) So I asked Winter what happened to it...

Me: Winter, where's your gum?
Winter: I finished it.
Me: Did you swallow it?
Winter: No I finished it. 
Me: Did you throw it away?
Winter: Um yeah.
Me: Where did you throw it away?
Winter: In the trashcan.
Me: Which trashcan?
Winter: ummm Mari's trashcan
Me: So if I go look right now I'll see it in there?
Winter: No, it's waaaaaay down in the trashcan.
Me: Don't you lie to me! 
Winter: ummmm
Me: Are you lying to me? Did you swallow your gum?
Winter: Okaaaaay (rolling her eyes) I swallowed it. 

What a little stinker. 

Monday, April 20, 2015


Well folks, we are down to the last week. Seven days 'till the due date. With baby #4, something tells me I'm not going to make it. I'm shooting for Friday night, the 24th. That would be the most convenient. I'm hoping Angus is on board.

I'm as ready as I'll ever be I suppose. I don't think a mama is ever totally okay with the whole labor thing but I'm definitely not as nervous as I was the first time. I'm really excited and curious to see what this little man looks like. I'm guessing he'll look like the girls... but not as girly? 

I keep looking at my belly tripping out at the thought that there is a whole baby in there, just hanging out. I'm hoping my womb has kept him safe with Adelyn climbing around on him and Winter giving me surprise attack hugs. Life's about to get even crazier! I probably won't be blogging too much for the next few months. Anything is possible but something tells me I'll barely have time to pee.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I've been doing some wheeling and dealing lately on a facebook page called Moms of Glendora Online Yard sale. It's super addicting. I enjoy the selling more than the buying because I get rid of stuff and get paid for it. Not sure why I like it so much but I just do. Sometimes I meet moms at Mya's school to exchange money for product, like a drug deal but legal? 

The other day I washed one of my favorite sweaters to discover yet another hole in it. I got it online for a steal and it was pretty cheap quality but so cute. I've mended it probably 5 times. So after discovering a rather large hole in the side seam, like 6 inches, I mended it one last time and decided to sell it. I posted it on the site for a few dollars and many moms were interested. I ended up selling it to a mom at Mya's school again. I met up with her while dropping Mya off one day. Super convenient. We chatted a bit and I handed over the sweater and she gave me the money. 

Then Mya declared, "That sweater has a giant hole in it!" 

Ahhh! I couldn't believe she ratted me out! She must have seen me sewing it. I laughed nervously and said, "No that's a different one sweetie." LIE. I totally lied right in front of my daughter who looked at me confused and said, "No it was THAT one." I told her it wasn't and changed the subject to the mom's sweet little new baby and asked how old she was and so on. The nice mom was unsuspecting and smiled and we parted ways. 

I see her all the time now. I always want to tell her the truth but it would sound ridiculous and awful so I keep my mouth shut. I was thinking I would give her something for her little baby for free to make up for the fact that I totally lied to her... =) Sounds great right? And maybe I will actually tell her about the hole one day...

Friday, April 10, 2015


It's a little late for an Easter post but I still feel it should be documented. We spent Easter afternoon and Uncle Doug and Aunt Janine's house. They have THE perfect yard for an Easter egg hunt. Winter fell in the pond last year but managed to stay dry this year, yay! Adelyn was entertained by the bucket of beer in ice most of the day so that was nice. And I had lots of family around to help me. We got to see our Santa Barbara cousins too. So fun. I was only in the mood to snap pics of the Easter egg hunt, not the whole day. It wasn't easy. I waddled my way around the backyard and had to give up after a few shots. Another advantage of having a smart phone. I just had to grab it and snap. Those little stinkers are fast! We even shouted wait! Wait! Let Addie get the ones in the grass! But the temptation was just too great. They darted out and found all 138 eggs in 3 minutes or less. So fun to watch. And they were so happy. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

baby book

If I would have thought long and hard about whether or not to do a baby book with each and every child, I would have decided against it for sure. But once you do one, you have to do all the babies. It wouldn't be fair to leave anyone out. And with Mya I actually recorded all those dumb milestones no one cares about. I'm sure I added ones like the first time she farted, or yawned or projectile pooped. She actually did that a few times. Got all over the wall. Super impressive. I told her about it once and she talks about it all the time.

I found my baby book in my mom's room when I was about 8. All it had was my name in it. That's it, just my name. Not even my whole name. Just Amie. I get it. Mom was a single parent raising 4 kids by herself. Who has time for that crap? But then I found my big brother's entirely filled out cover to cover. It was kind of traumatizing. Obviously. I'm still talking about it today. That is why I have to finish each child's book to the best of my ability, or toss them all out. I should have just started a blog with Mya. That would have been way easier.

None of them are done yet. Mya's is close but Winter's is just stuffed with pictures and papers from the doctor with her height and weight on them... those that made it in there. Until yesterday, Adelyn had a manila envelope with "baby #3" written on it. So I found a pink baby book and figured it was probably intended for her and began flipping through the pages. Someone got to it before me. Most of the pages have already been partially filled out by Winter. I know it was her because it's her fake scribble writing that she does when she's writing an important letter. 

So, I figure I'm like half way done with Adelyn's baby book now including Winter's crayon scribbles. I started writing some stuff in it today like birthday and family tree etc. But then it was asking for things like when did she first smile, laugh, roll over, sit up, etc. Who remembers these things?! Ugh, I may have to fib a bit or at least take a guess. There may be lots of question marks but I WILL fill it out! 

I'm such a stoned mama that I actually started filling out information for Angus instead of Adelyn. How I found out I was pregnant, how I told Dan, how I shared it with my friends, my pregnancy so far, the date of my shower, the shower guest list... then I had to rip out the page because it was all wrong. Pregnancy brain...

This is not Addie. It will have her picture in it one day...

 Winter's contribution to her little sister's baby book =)

Friday, April 3, 2015


This is just going to have to be a scrapbook blog:

Open house time:

This says: I am special because... 
I want to be a baby doctor. 
I help take care of my sisters. I am good at riding my bike.
by Mya =)

A little Kinder U.S. History...

No idea what this is... St. Patrick's Day something or other?

Classroom chicks. These are pretty cool. They got to see the whole process from the eggs hatching to the babies being born and growing into fluffy little adorable peep peep chickies. Pretty darn cute. And they seem to be surviving the million 5 year old fingers and hands all over them!

We left the other girls with a baby sitter so we could focus on Mya. (Angus came along) She was SOOO proud of all of her achievements.

Good ol' Mrs. Rodriguez. In my personal opinion, all K teachers are saints but we really love this one ;)

Park time with friends: 

Our neighbor dropped this off on our doorstep because her grand-daughter outgrew it. Best day of Addie's life.

Cute little cowgirls =)

Beach time! 

Beach days are a lot of work but so worth it. This is "Baby beach" or "Mother's Beach" in Dana Point. We also went to the tide pools in Dana Point.